Some astrologers use the asteroids and the Kuiper objects. Feminist astrologers refer to the asteroid goddesses. I consider Pluto to be a transitional figure, representing that netherworld between the living and the dead, which is it archetypal or mythical meaning. Sometimes its importance in personal charts and transits is less important, but the empirical evidence indicates that Pluto is profoundly meaningful in long range trends in civilization. I gather there aren't too many other such cycles out there looking for a correlation from a Kuiper iceball. Somebody might find such a cycle. But another minor planet that some astrologers swear by is Chiron.
You can say, well I could attribute anything to any Kuiper iceball I choose. But I didn't choose them, and couldn't have done so. My initial discovery that "something's happening here" in the mid-60s that must correlate with an outer planet conjunction, and then seeing that very thing in the very week I thought it most likely to have occured, still impresses me greatly. And of course, one of those two planets was Pluto. And then I found all those other correlations, and then also its significance for presidents which I mentioned above.
Interestingly, in the Crisis era, Neptune correlated with 4 presidents in a row (their current positions aligning with their Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant). That was when Neptune was in Virgo and Libra, which is considered the top or executive sector of the US horoscope. Then when Pluto and Uranus did the same thing during the Awakening era, 3 presidents in a row followed whose charts were correlated with THOSE planets.
And the whole trend started and ended with correlations to Uranus at the Ascendant point of the USA, Sagittarius, and the Ascending points in the charts of TR and RR. The Ascendant point or rising sign represents startings and endings, astrologically.
I'm not an enigma, but you could say that astrology is.