Originally Posted by
Phyllis Light
August 23, 2005
Information about the “intensity” people are experiencing on Planet Earth at this time....
Starting in June 2003, the earth started feeling the effects of passing through a photon belt. This is kind of a cosmic anomaly, but no accident in terms of the transformation that is upon us all.
We are all being “forced” or “helped” to grow at this time… that is, we are unable to “say no.” It is part of the path that all of us human beings are on together, at this time. What is taking place is that our individual energy fields, along with the energy field of the earth around us, is being pushed upon continually, almost like little fingers are poking at us constantly, all over our bodies, 24/7.
If there were really physical fingers poking at you constantly, 24/7, how would you feel? Bashed… interfered with…. unhappy, out of control, disturbed, jittery, interrupted, like you were being driven crazy… overwhelmed from the unwanted and unwelcome stimulation… you get the idea!
So, these are the kinds of feelings and experiences that people are having at this time. Even though the “fingers poking you” are not physical fingers, this energy is real nonetheless, and the effects of this energy are extremely real.
I can’t tell you how many people have reported that this past year or year and a half, has been the most challenging one of their lives. When I tune in and ask how many people on earth are having more problems now because of this energy, I get 95%. So most people are dealing with the extra “burden” and intensity that this energy represents.
However, on the positive side, what we’re talking about here is a MAJOR MAJOR growth opportunity. That is, our “buttons” are “getting pressed” so much, that we are having to deal with a tremendous amount of negativity that is generally suppressed and out of our awareness. It is almost as if we are being collectively forced into a corner, made to feel awful, and the only “way out” is to begin to look at ourselves, tell the truth about what’s going on inside, and start to consciously get on the path of healing and transformation, in order to come to a place of peace inside.
Thus, many, many people are beginning to wake up now who were very asleep before. This is good. For the rest of us, already awake and working on ourselves, it’s still a major growth opportunity, since our stuff is coming up BIG TIME for review, and we get an opportunity to look at ourselves and continually do a deeper level of clearing and healing. The going can get tough at times… we can feel totally overwhelmed and wish we could “get out of here” or feel like “we can’t take it anymore.” These are old programs coming up for review. Don’t take this stuff personally or reinforce it in your mind.
Call for a mini-session, work with the techniques in my books, use the Communications Breakthrough System…. whatever you need to do to feel better. Take a few minutes a day and simply FEEL what’s going on inside you, without judgment. The more you do this, the more the feelings will subside and not feel overwhelming to you.
Do something other than wallowing in the feelings, as they are simply based on old programming that is surfacing from your subconscious mind. You need to have perspective at this time. What’s up for us all is to learn to relax and flow with the changes life brings, and trust that the universe is a safe and loving place, regardless of what appears to be happening around us.
We are preparing to move into a higher age of Light in approximately 50 to 51 years, and all that we are going through now is part of that process. We will be passing through this photon belt energy for another eight years, so ultimately we either surrender to being at peace, no matter what is going on in our life, or we crack… take your pick.
Having this information and understanding can only help during these challenging, yet potentially growth-filled times. When you’re experiencing “going crazy” and feeling overwhelmed to the point of “I can’t take this anymore,” and think you’re all alone… it feels quite hopeless. When you realize what’s really taking place, you can step back and see it for what it is, and not take your thoughts and feelings so personally.
It is time to open to more love, more compassion and understanding for others and for yourself. It is all good, in spite of what you may think and feel. Take heart, have faith, and work on yourself as much as you can. And remember, all the work you do always pays off.
Many blessings.