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Thread: Astrological cycles and turnings - Page 13

Post#301 at 02-04-2006 09:58 AM by Mikebert [at Kalamazoo MI joined Jul 2001 #posts 4,502]
02-04-2006, 09:58 AM #301
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Jul 2001
Kalamazoo MI

I touch upon astrology in my book Stock Cycles and give a little background into why astrology developed.

No analyst can give precise answers to questions about the future of the stock market or the economy and be right all the time. This is the realm of prophecy or fortune-telling, not scientific analysis. On the other hand, it is not true that the future is completely unpredictable. As I write this sentence in January 2000 the temperature outside is well below freezing. If you were to ask me to predict whether it will be warmer or colder next Tuesday, I would be unable to give a correct answer. However, if you asked me what sort of temperatures to expect on April 9, I could predict “warmer than today” and almost certainly be right.

You can make this prediction too. How? We can confidently make this prediction because we know that April is a warmer month than January. But what are April and January? They are points in time as marked by our calendar. A calendar is a cyclical model for interpreting time in terms of the seasons. Consider the situation of a farmer. If he plants too early a late frost may destroy his crop. Too late, and he won’t get a harvest. It is critical that the farmer properly times his planting with respect to the seasons. In Neolithic times the entire community depended on agriculture, and hence, on the seasonal rhythm of the weather. The entire economy and the livelihood of everyone were determined by seasonality. A model for interpreting time in terms of seasonality that would permit prediction of planting times would be incredibly useful information for any Neolithic society. The development of that model, what we now call the calendar, was one of the seminal accomplishments of Man.

Now what precisely is the calendar? The calendar is a model of the seasonal cycle that uses the positions of celestial objects to measure the current position in the cycle. It has always been apparent that the length of the day and the seasons are correlated. Days are short in the winter and long in the summer. People discovered that the positions of the sun and stars change with the length of the day and the seasons. By making simple celestial observations ancient peoples were able to measure the length of the seasonal cycle (or year) and found it to be about 365 days long.

The actual length of the year is 365.242199 days, so a 365-day calendar year is about 6 hours too short. The ancients were aware of this and so they constructed calendars in such a way that the average length approached the correct length of the year. In a way calendars represent a measurement of the length of the year. The accuracy of this measurement by pre-modern peoples is quite impressive. Most peoples of antiquity used calendars that implied a length of the year of around 365.25 days. For example, the Julian calendar, upon which our modern calendar is based, used the “leap year” concept in which every fourth year is 366 days long instead of 365 days. This calendar was based on an estimate of exactly 365.25 days for the year, which is 11 minutes too long. Now this seems pretty accurate, but this 11 minute discrepancy adds up over time, making the Julian get ahead of the seasons (what it is supposed to measure) by one day every 130 years. The Julian calendar was introduced in 46 BC. By the sixteenth century it had gotten twelve days ahead of the seasons, which was starting to have an impact on its seasonal timing function. Pope Gregory implemented a new calendar in 1582, which we use today. The Gregorian calendar implies a year of 365.2425 days, which is still 26 seconds too long. The Gregorian calendar represents a measurement of the length of the year to better than one part per million. The ancient Mayan calendar year was even more accurate.

Societies over the millennia have taken their calendars very seriously. They have constructed elaborate observatories (e.g. Stonehenge) for making precise celestial observations in the effort to design accurate calendars. This effort was justified because it was apparent that calendars “worked” to predict the future of an agricultural economy and more accurate calendars worked better. But no one really understood why calendars worked. The most plausible explanation for correlation between the seasonal cycle and the stars was that the gods caused both. The intent of the gods might be interpreted by study of the stars, and the evidence certainly supported this idea. Since the gods controlled the heavens and earth, it was reasonable that they controlled the lives of mere mortals too. Since the will of the gods for the seasons was revealed by the heavens, surely the will of the gods for the insignificant details of a person’s life were revealed by the heavens as well. Thus was born the science of astrology.

The ancients held both astrology and the calendar as equally valid. Then came Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo, and people discovered why there was a linkage between the stars and seasons. The seasons are simply the natural consequence of the fact that the earth revolves around the sun and that the earth’s axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the plane defined by the earth’s orbit. All of a sudden, it became clear that the calendar “should” work and that it is completely natural that it does. However, this mechanical arrangement of the earth and sun did not provide a mechanism for why astrology should work. Furthermore, the track record of astrology had never been as reliable as the calendar. Deprived of the support of the obvious validity of calendrical methods, astrology lost its status as a science.

Post#302 at 02-04-2006 02:45 PM by Zarathustra [at Where the Northwest meets the Southwest joined Mar 2003 #posts 9,198]
02-04-2006, 02:45 PM #302
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Mar 2003
Where the Northwest meets the Southwest

Mike, that was great.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.

Post#303 at 02-04-2006 03:50 PM by The Pervert [at A D&D Character sheet joined Jan 2002 #posts 1,169]
02-04-2006, 03:50 PM #303
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A D&D Character sheet

Quote Originally Posted by Peter Gibbons
Quote Originally Posted by linus
Higher education positively correlated with a greater belief in paranormal phenomena.

Interesting, unexpected.
I declare Eric Meece the most educated of us all.

I fight this tendency by being a debunker of weird ideas on USENET. However, I leave astrologers alone.
Your local general nuisance
"I am not an alter ego. I am an unaltered id!"

Post#304 at 02-19-2006 01:01 AM by Linus [at joined Oct 2005 #posts 1,731]
02-19-2006, 01:01 AM #304
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Oct 2005

As JP Morgan said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires use astrology."

Of course, Roman Emperors used entrails, and a lot of good that did any number of them.
"Jan, cut the crap."

"It's just a donut."

Post#305 at 02-19-2006 06:15 AM by Zarathustra [at Where the Northwest meets the Southwest joined Mar 2003 #posts 9,198]
02-19-2006, 06:15 AM #305
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Mar 2003
Where the Northwest meets the Southwest

Quote Originally Posted by Linus
As JP Morgan said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires use astrology."

Of course, Roman Emperors used entrails, and a lot of good that did any number of them.
Samurais used to lose their entrails . . .
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.

Post#306 at 02-20-2006 12:38 AM by The Pervert [at A D&D Character sheet joined Jan 2002 #posts 1,169]
02-20-2006, 12:38 AM #306
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Jan 2002
A D&D Character sheet

Quote Originally Posted by Peter Gibbons
Quote Originally Posted by Linus
As JP Morgan said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires use astrology."

Of course, Roman Emperors used entrails, and a lot of good that did any number of them.
Samurais used to lose their entrails . . .
What are we playing here, a game of topic drift?
Your local general nuisance
"I am not an alter ego. I am an unaltered id!"

Post#307 at 02-20-2006 02:26 AM by [at joined #posts ]
02-20-2006, 02:26 AM #307

Naturally, some things were missing from Mike's analysis, though it is cogent as far as it goes. We know that Mike A. is a "rationalist" on the philosophers wheel, and quite a level-headed one. But there is going to be some evidence of his view of the world in his analysis of astrology.

The link between astrology and predicting the seasons is clear. Mike omitted some facts about Copernicus, Kepler and Gallileo, however. They were all first astrologers themselves, and their reseacrh was motivated by the desire to prove that the universe is orderly according to neo-Platonic philosophy. The current astronomical system developed by Ptolemy simply could not be sustained; it was disorderly and cumbersome, and even the Pope originally wanted it corrected so a more accurate calendar could be developed. The prevailing world-view of the Renaissance was not just that the gods ruled over human affairs, but that the universe was more than mechanical and material, but primarily organic, according to the doctrines of the ancient philosophy they believed in. The effects their work had on astrology had more to do with how later Enlightenment commentators interpreted their work, than with their own work itself.

It is now becoming clear that the Enlightenment scientific view of the world is just as superstitous as the one it replaced. The exile of the mind and consciousness (free will, creation, the super-natural-- call it what you will) from the "physical" world, instituted by Descartes (though not by him alone, or without precursors), is not a necessary conclusion from the facts proven by astronomy between Copernicus and Newton. It is a consequence only of our desire to manipulate the world, which has been the main project of our civilization since Newton's time, and is now threatening our survival.

Newton's laws proved to be very useful. If you can look at objects as obeying those laws (such as inertia), it is easier to manipulate them. But if you throw a bird in a certain direction, it is not going to continue by Newton's laws to move in that direction. The bird is alive and thus breaks Newton's laws. Scientists can try to explain the bird's behavior by instincts and brain/nerve cells and what have you. But there is an irreducible element, the spirit, that cannot be so explained.

But if you have no need to defend our desire to manipulate the world, as part of our scientific world view, but just take it as a tool we've developed, having its uses and dangers; then you don't have to separate off the supernatural from the natural, because freedom and spirit are part of Nature and characterize everything in it. We can respect the world as alive, as all other cultures have done, and not merely as dead objects available for our usage. At that point, things like the paranormal and astrology don't seem so improbable. Scientific "facts" can never do anything but scratch the barest surface of reality. The idea that there is a connection between things at a distance does not seem so far-fetched either, and in fact is shown by some quantum theories to be true.

One thing that seemed important to people in the 18th century, both among the religiously and scientifically minded, was that the astronomers had proven that heaven was not something different and higher than the earth. But this does not detract from astrology at all, or religion either; despite what people then thought. If heaven and earth are one, and the same laws apply to both, then the connection between them is shown to be even greater than it was when "heaven" was a mysterious, supernal realm above and separate from us. And you don't need belief in the gods to have astrology, but only ideas like hermetic and neo-platonic philosophy, which contends that there is an order in the universe and that the greater is reflected in the lesser-- the holographic, holistic and fractile-like worldview.

Post#308 at 02-20-2006 02:48 AM by [at joined #posts ]
02-20-2006, 02:48 AM #308

Well, I think the bi-annual visit of Mars close to Earth, and its apparent stations retrograde, and especially direct, did prove their connection to world events after all, just as I predicted. I am glad that it did not indicate the outbreak of war, as it often does, but it often indicates other kinds of major violent outbreaks too. I also mentioned that religion and mass movements were indicated by the aspects Mars made to Neptune and Jupiter, since these planets in combination very frequently indicate such things. Therefore, I think the deadly oubreak of Muslim violence over the Danish cartoons, is the fulfillment of this astrological prophecy, and of the planetary configurations which Neisha called our attention to above.

If you saw the 60 Minutes report by Scott Pelley tonight, you saw confirmation again (as was reported on Nova a couple of years ago as well) that scientists are showing that our use of fossil fuels (with Americans by far using the most) is indeed the cause of global warming, and the effects are more Katrina-like hurricanes, extinction of species like the polar bear, inundation of coastlines; case closed. The Bush types resist this, and we can thank Katherine Harris and Sandra Day O'Connor for the fact that its effects will be much greater than they could have been, had we had a Gore administration willing to tackle this problem. What was shocking to me about this report tonight, in which the receeding of the Arctic ice cap over the past 25 years was graphically shown by photo, is that within a century we may have no ice cap left.

The author of the Gaia hypothesis, Mr. Lovelock, even says that life on earth could be in danger for the next 100,000 years.

537 votes can make a big difference, folks. Americans decided to allow the worst to happen in 2000, and ratified their decision in 2004. What we can do about it now, is anyone's guess. Noone should doubt that climate change is our next 4T, which could last a lot longer than a saeculum too. A real winter is our saecular one. That, and not the terrorists, the fear of which is being used by Bush to make himself a dictator and destroy our constitution, is the crisis. Or I should say, climate change, and Bush himself who made it worse, and all of his horrific activities and their effects, IS the 4T. Remember, in Orwell's 1984, it was "constant, never-ending war" that formed the basis for maintaining Big Brother in power. In the War on Terror, that's what we have.

Look for the astrological aspects of 2010 to indicate the onset of 4T Winter for real.

This American society, the most primitive developed society on Earth, needs to change. That is FACT ONE. And what it needs to change the most, is precisely this idea referred to in my above post, that the purpose of life is to manipulate the environment for our own use.

Under those conditions, things like astrology become the most useful tools for planetary survival.

Post#309 at 12-17-2006 07:48 PM by Odin [at Moorhead, MN, USA joined Sep 2006 #posts 14,442]
12-17-2006, 07:48 PM #309
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Sep 2006
Moorhead, MN, USA


I find it sad educated people like Eric believe such superstitious drivel.

Scientific "facts" can never do anything but scratch the barest surface of reality.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.

-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Post#310 at 12-22-2006 10:40 PM by Eric the Green [at San Jose CA joined Jul 2001 #posts 22,504]
12-22-2006, 10:40 PM #310
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Jul 2001
San Jose CA

Quote Originally Posted by Odin View Post

I find it sad educated people like Eric believe such superstitious drivel.

Is that the best an "educated" person can say in reply? Not very articulate...
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive,

Eric A. Meece

Post#311 at 12-31-2006 02:06 AM by Odin [at Moorhead, MN, USA joined Sep 2006 #posts 14,442]
12-31-2006, 02:06 AM #311
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Sep 2006
Moorhead, MN, USA

Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Green View Post
Is that the best an "educated" person can say in reply? Not very articulate...
Maybe you will find this more articulate...
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.

-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Post#312 at 12-31-2006 02:18 AM by Odin [at Moorhead, MN, USA joined Sep 2006 #posts 14,442]
12-31-2006, 02:18 AM #312
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Sep 2006
Moorhead, MN, USA

Anyway, if you guys want to do my horoscope go right ahead. I was born April 28 (Taurus); I was born 2 months premature, if I would of been born on my due date I would be a Gemini.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.

-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Post#313 at 12-31-2006 02:55 AM by Odin [at Moorhead, MN, USA joined Sep 2006 #posts 14,442]
12-31-2006, 02:55 AM #313
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Sep 2006
Moorhead, MN, USA

Hmmm, I ran into this website and got the following results:

Name: Taylor Selseth
April 28 1986
6:30 AM Time Zone is CDT
Fargo, ND

Rising Sign is in 11 Degrees Taurus
Calm and deliberate, you hate to move quickly or act hastily. Very practical, every effort must count or you can't be bothered. Patient, persistent and steady, but very stubborn -- you can't be pushed or pressured into anything. You seem outwardly self-assured because you tend to repress your inner tension and turmoil. You exude an earthy warmth, friendliness and charm. You demand comfortable surroundings and appreciate the good life. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent. At times, you are lazy and difficult to motivate. Overcoming inertia is a problem for you and, because you are not by nature a self-starter, it is often necessary for you to receive stimuli from others in order to get moving.

Sun is in 07 Degrees Taurus.
You are known for being patient, slow moving and careful -- you love to prolong and savor enjoyable times. You appreciate and need comfort, ease and warm surroundings. Be careful of a tendency to become placid and self-satisfied and to overeat (especially sweets). You require strenuous situations in order to grow and mature properly, even though you try to avoid them. Affectionate, even-tempered and slow to anger -- when you do become emotionally upset, you are also slow to forgive and time must pass before your calm returns. You demand real results from any situation -- abstractions are very difficult for you to comprehend. Very artistic, your hands love to mold and shape things. You portray an earthy, physical sexiness that others find quite seductive.
Correct except for the part I italicized.

Moon is in 02 Degrees Capricorn.
You are serious and shy and very uncomfortable in those situations where spontaneous and exuberant emotional reactions seem called for. An achiever, you prefer doing practical, worthwhile things that produce tangible results. You need role models to respect, love and emulate. You tend to feel that you're a failure unless you get an important and highly respected position in life. Don't be so hard on yourself! For you, practical needs always win out over emotional considerations. Remember that you too have the right to comfort, security and love. Dutiful and patient, when you make an emotional commitment, you sign on for the long haul -- your love is long- enduring.
Everything after the first sentence is wrong.

Mercury is in 14 Degrees Aries.
Very quick-witted, you are known for being an independent thinker. You love to debate and argue, and are excellent at repartee and battles of wits. At times, however, you act too fast on hastily formed opinions and thus waste a lot of energy defending your rash and sometimes incorrect conclusions. It is perfectly acceptable for you to defend your beliefs with your usual vigor, but try not to take the opinions of others as personal insults.

Venus is in 02 Degrees Gemini.
You are friendly, warm, open and tolerant toward others. You love variety in relationships, indeed you may even prefer to maintain more than one relationship at a time! Very witty and humorous, you have the ability to amuse and please others. This makes you quite popular. You love to play the field and thus find it difficult to settle down and make any deep emotional commitments. Your innate charm and vivacity makes you welcome most everywhere you go.
Dead wrong.

Mars is in 14 Degrees Capricorn.
Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige, or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top.

Jupiter is in 14 Degrees Pisces.
You are at your best when you give of yourself and what you have -- try to avoid being a martyr about it, though. You're a true idealist, but you must learn not to be upset when life does not cooperate with the way you think things should be. Very concerned with spiritual truth and growth, when you practice what you preach, you make an excellent role model for others. You are so devoted to altruistic ventures and concerns that you tire easily at times. It then becomes necessary for you to go off by yourself to recharge your batteries.
Not really.

Saturn is in 08 Degrees Sagittarius.
Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing.
Dead wrong and is in contradiction to the next one.

Uranus is in 21 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.
Correct to a degree.

Neptune is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
uh huh...

Pluto is in 05 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 29 Degrees Aries.
You're at your most comfortable when involved in group activities outside of your immediate family circle. You delight in getting involved with others in neighborhood civic or political activities, especially if you can be a part of the leadership of the group. Your zeal and overabundant energy bring out your real creativity when you can work toward tangible results -- things that will immediately benefit those around you. You have a real gift for getting the most out of charity drives and community benefits. Take time out between projects though, because you tire out easily and your effectiveness becomes greatly diminished when your energy is depleted. Also, don't even think of trying to get involved at a peripheral level -- you need a total commitment to feel personally fulfilled. Let others bake the cookies and set up the chairs -- you should be the one to tell everyone what to do and when to do it!
Not really.

Not teribly accurate methinks.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.

-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Post#314 at 01-06-2007 01:30 AM by Eric the Green [at San Jose CA joined Jul 2001 #posts 22,504]
01-06-2007, 01:30 AM #314
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Jul 2001
San Jose CA

Quote Originally Posted by Odin View Post
Maybe you will find this more articulate...
Not really your thoughts...

I must admit though, that I am not too well-informed on current research. What convinced me though, was to do just the reverse of what you just did. I didn't read what the chart positions say and then decide if they were accurate. I actually read about the meanings of the planets and signs in general, and then said, if this stuff is true, what is my chart like? Everything matched my expectations. I said Neptune would be conjunct my Sun closely. There's about a 1 in 100 chance of that being so. There it was. I predicted what my Ascendant sign and planet would be. I said I would have something strong in Leo, and there Mars and Pluto sit. I said something difficult must be in Virgo. Saturn there fit the bill. And so on.

Then I looked at current events. This was 1968. Times were tumultuous and cultural revolution was happening. Spiritual awakenings were common. I thought a conjunction among the 3 outer planets must be happening. I looked it up, and not only were Uranus and Pluto in conjunction, but exact during the exact week I thought they were. Their cycle runs 127 years; not a common event. Then I found cyclic patterns coinciding with planetary positions, and did some statistical studies showing results 2 or 3 times greater than chance. Not astounding, but enough to show some significance.

Some astrologers are doing empirical research, and their results may be interesting. I would think something like the test in your article might show results. But even if not, my own experience (all that I mentioned and much more) is pretty tough to discount.

If the universe is non-local; if synchronicity exists; if the universe is more like a great thought than a great machine, astrology does not seem as far-fetched. It depends on your world-view.

As such a strong earth-sign native, I don't expect that to change much Odin!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive,

Eric A. Meece

Post#315 at 01-06-2007 01:34 AM by Eric the Green [at San Jose CA joined Jul 2001 #posts 22,504]
01-06-2007, 01:34 AM #315
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Jul 2001
San Jose CA


Your chart positions Odin are quite interesting. You are a very strong match with a chart I have called the chart of our times. You are therefore quite at home with the leading trends of our culture. Believing ideology #3 is evidence that you are, indeed!

That Mars square to Mercury confirms the meaning of Mercury in Aries. Noone should ever get into an argument with you. So, I quit!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive,

Eric A. Meece

Post#316 at 01-06-2007 01:36 PM by Virgil K. Saari [at '49er, north of the Mesabi Mountains joined Jun 2001 #posts 7,835]
01-06-2007, 01:36 PM #316
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'49er, north of the Mesabi Mountains

Question An Astrological Query

Is there an astrological forecast for Our Commercial Republic born on 4 March 1789 online or in the Great Meece's files?

Is it "better" or "worse" than one drawn for the American experiment begun on 4 July 1776?

Post#317 at 01-06-2007 03:38 PM by Odin [at Moorhead, MN, USA joined Sep 2006 #posts 14,442]
01-06-2007, 03:38 PM #317
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Sep 2006
Moorhead, MN, USA

Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Green View Post
That Mars square to Mercury confirms the meaning of Mercury in Aries. Noone should ever get into an argument with you. So, I quit!
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.

-Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Post#318 at 01-17-2007 04:55 PM by Linus [at joined Oct 2005 #posts 1,731]
01-17-2007, 04:55 PM #318
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Oct 2005

The chart of that jerk Linus:

Rising Sign is in 08 Degrees Aries
You are a free spirit and you must be first at everything you do. Very energetic, self-assertive and active, things must be done your way. Even though you may feel calm and serene on the inside, you certainly do not act that way. You want to do everything full-tilt, 100 miles per hour! A great competitor, but a poor cooperator -- you must learn how to lose more gracefully. Very self-confident, ambitious and passionate, you radiate positive energy. You are blunt and direct, but at times unfeeling and tactless, especially if anyone offers you any resistance. You fight for your beliefs, but your tendency to act first and think later often causes you much grief.

Sun is in 26 Degrees Cancer. (5th house)
Very emotional and sensitive, you have an intuitive understanding of the "vibes" around you. You tend to be quite generous, giving, loving and caring, but only when your own needs for emotional support, love and security have been met. If they are not met, you tend to withdraw into yourself and become very insecure and selfish. Your home and family (especially your mother or the person who played that role for you early on) represent security for you and thus assume a larger-than-life importance. Very sentimental, you have vivid and long- enduring memories of the past. No matter how well adjusted you are, you will always need a secret quiet place of your own in order to feel at peace. Feeding others can give you great pleasure you would enjoy being part of a large family.

Moon is in 07 Degrees Pisces. (12th house)
You have strong feelings and are extremely sensitive. It would help if you had a thicker skin -- you tend to react emotionally to every situation you come across. Kind, gentle and considerate of the feelings of others, you are good at taking care of the sick, wounded and helpless. But you tend to absorb the energy of others -- so avoid those who are always negative. You have a rich, creative and lively imagination, but you should be careful not to spend all your time daydreaming. Very intuitive, you have good ESP and may be quite clairvoyant or psychic. Remember that you too have the right to get what you want from life. If you are always defensive and kowtowing to others, people will take advantage of you and exploit you.

Mercury is in 28 Degrees Cancer. (5th house)
Your emotions tend to rule your thought processes. You have difficulty seeing life objectively. You have an excellent memory, especially about things to which you have formed an emotional bond. You prefer ideas and thoughts that are known and familiar, and therefore tend to dislike fads or radical ideas. The beliefs and traditions of your family and culture are very important to you. Your thinking becomes quite unclear when you are emotionally shaken -- try not to make major decisions when you are upset. Let things calm down first.

Venus is in 22 Degrees Leo. (5th house)
You have a striking, regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others to you. Your friendship is highly sought and you tend to take friendships quite seriously -- you remain loyal and true to those to whom you are attached. For you, love is mixed with pride and respect. Relationships are over when you lose respect for your partner. Be careful of a tendency to relate only to those who make you look good -- the powerful, important and influential. This can lead to arrogance and selfishness, and neither of these qualities becomes you.

Mars is in 17 Degrees Aries. (1st house)
You are very independent and self-assertive, and you have lots of physical energy. You are not satisfied unless you can be the first to do something. As such, you are more comfortable in leadership positions than you are as an underling. When you are challenged by anyone for anything, you delight in the competitive process and will fight long and hard for your beliefs. You are bold and courageous and often act without thinking. At times, in your zeal to get ahead, you are tactless and offensive -- learn that cooperation with others can often bring you nearer to your goals quicker because of the support you will get.

Jupiter is in 08 Degrees Aquarius. (11th house)
Your personal growth occurs when you have the freedom to do things in new and interesting ways -- this brings out your natural inventiveness. You are an individualist, but you are also attracted to mass movements that emphasize social betterment and you will devote much time and energy to their efforts. Very fair- minded and objective, you have extraordinary skills at organization and administration.

Saturn is in 28 Degrees Gemini. (3rd house)
You are such a clear thinker and speaker, with a logical orderly mind, that you are repulsed by abstract, intangible or unorganized thoughts or ideas. But you tend to get uptight about speaking in public because you are afraid to be wrong. Remember that the best way to learn is by making mistakes. Also, you will be so carefully prepared that you probably will not make many mistakes anyway. To be interesting to you, ideas have to be practical and useful.

Uranus is in 19 Degrees Libra. (7th house)
You, as well as your entire peer group, have a very free, unstable and unconventional approach to relationships and emotional commitments. You will be attracted to experiments in marriage and shared lifestyles. Personal freedom is more important to you than entangling emotional bonds. In the realm of art and aesthetics, you are attracted to the bizarre, shocking and unusual.

Neptune is in 04 Degrees Sagittarius. (8th house)
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."

Pluto is in 02 Degrees Libra. (6th house)
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.

N. Node is in 07 Degrees Capricorn. (10th house)
You rarely get involved closely with anyone unless he or she has something specific and practical to offer you. You tend to be "all business" when it comes to dealing with others. You're usually so intently focused on a particular goal that you rarely have time for social niceties or casual fellowship. But you can definitely be counted on by others to get things done. When you say that you'll do something, you do it. As such, you're a valuable member of any team situation and will probably rise to a position of leadership within the group. Your trustworthiness and sense of responsibility are unquestioned. But do try to avoid the temptation to "use" others to reach your goals -- they might come to resent you.
"Jan, cut the crap."

"It's just a donut."

Post#319 at 01-03-2008 02:22 AM by Neisha '67 [at joined Jul 2001 #posts 2,227]
01-03-2008, 02:22 AM #319
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Jul 2001

Someone just sent this to me, and yikes! Although, I'm pretty sure Eric Meece has been saying all of this for years:

Post#320 at 01-03-2008 11:31 AM by The Pervert [at A D&D Character sheet joined Jan 2002 #posts 1,169]
01-03-2008, 11:31 AM #320
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Jan 2002
A D&D Character sheet

Quote Originally Posted by Neisha '67 View Post
Someone just sent this to me, and yikes! Although, I'm pretty sure Eric Meece has been saying all of this for years:
Hi, Neisha! Good to see you here. BTW, your ears should be burning. I was in Chicago over New Years and mentioned you, Angeli, and The Rani as three Desis with Chicago connections to my fiance who is also from Chicago and, while not a Desi, has an Indian nickname--Kali Ma.
Your local general nuisance
"I am not an alter ego. I am an unaltered id!"

Post#321 at 01-03-2008 03:46 PM by Neisha '67 [at joined Jul 2001 #posts 2,227]
01-03-2008, 03:46 PM #321
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Jul 2001

Kali ma, eh? Do tell, there has to be a good story behind that one!

Post#322 at 01-03-2008 06:52 PM by The Pervert [at A D&D Character sheet joined Jan 2002 #posts 1,169]
01-03-2008, 06:52 PM #322
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Jan 2002
A D&D Character sheet

Quote Originally Posted by Neisha '67 View Post
Kali ma, eh? Do tell, there has to be a good story behind that one!
I'll have to ask her for a detailed version. Right now, all I remember is that she picked it for herself because she likes things that are Indian (she makes a killer chicken curry) and she identifies with the multiple facets of Kali, goddess of strength, motherhood, and death.
Your local general nuisance
"I am not an alter ego. I am an unaltered id!"

Post#323 at 01-03-2008 08:29 PM by Neisha '67 [at joined Jul 2001 #posts 2,227]
01-03-2008, 08:29 PM #323
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Jul 2001

Death, but also rebirth. Apparently, we're in the age of Kali right now.

Post#324 at 01-04-2008 03:54 PM by Ragnarök_62 [at Oklahoma joined Nov 2006 #posts 5,511]
01-04-2008, 03:54 PM #324
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Nov 2006

Quote Originally Posted by Odin View Post
Hmmm, I ran into this website and got the following results:

Not teribly accurate methinks.
The only thing that makes sense from this website is that I'm Taurus and all I got was bullshit from said site.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP

There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."

Post#325 at 01-04-2008 04:08 PM by The Young Rebel- '90 [at Columbia, SC joined Aug 2007 #posts 165]
01-04-2008, 04:08 PM #325
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Aug 2007
Columbia, SC

Astrology thing

Someone just sent this to me, and yikes! Although, I'm pretty sure Eric Meece has been saying all of this for years:
Damn, but this is basically what the fourth turning says except less vague (for someone who hasn't read it but basically understands the theory). This is really a messed up time to be young I mean basically you known is gonna be thrown away and your put on the front lines of a conflict that was caused by your parents and grandparents.

I guess that just the fate of Hero generations so what can you do. I guess your suppose to take lessons from life no matter how short so you can be a better person next life. If that sounds strangely Buddhist or something it doesn't matter I'm not into religion thanks to what I see as fundie judgementalism so i'd rather be agnostic for the time being.

But since I've always been extremely lucky to expect to come out with nothing more than a few beauty scars (so sexy right ladies).

Anyway this is that little chart thing if the astrology dude is still around (which I highly doubt).

Domanic Riley
February 22 1990
5:35 AM Time Zone is EST
Columbia, SC

Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Aquarius
You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourself -- it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics, and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual -- emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.

Sun is in 03 Degrees Pisces.
Extremely sensitive and emotional, you absorb the emotions of others (whether positive or negative) like a sponge. Emotionally vulnerable, you are easily upset and tend to cry readily. You are at your best when you can structure your environment in such a way that you are surrounded by positive, upbeat people. You are very helpful and understanding of the needs of others. Indeed, at times this can be a disadvantage, because you can be a sucker for anyone who needs help. Shy, dreamy, romantic in nature, you delight in retreating into your private fantasy world. Just be careful that you do not get lost in it! Trust your intuitions -- you may be quite psychic.

Moon is in 26 Degrees Capricorn.
You are serious and shy and very uncomfortable in those situations where spontaneous and exuberant emotional reactions seem called for. An achiever, you prefer doing practical, worthwhile things that produce tangible results. You need role models to respect, love and emulate. You tend to feel that you're a failure unless you get an important and highly respected position in life. Don't be so hard on yourself! For you, practical needs always win out over emotional considerations. Remember that you too have the right to comfort, security and love. Dutiful and patient, when you make an emotional commitment, you sign on for the long haul -- your love is long- enduring.

Mercury is in 15 Degrees Aquarius.
You tend to be very opinionated -- you have strongly felt notions about things and are quite vocal about expressing and defending them. Yet you are also an original thinker -- you enjoy shocking others with your offbeat, original thoughts. You appreciate and need mental and intellectual stimulation. Your judgment is usually fair and impartial -- you can be a good critic because you can remain objective and unemotional about most things.

Venus is in 24 Degrees Capricorn.
You tend to keep your feelings under control -- emotions are only released in serious or important situations. You are distrustful of others whose behavior could be judged excessive or immoderate. As such, you prefer to relate only to those who are older than you or to those whose position is such that respect and duty are more important for both of you than passion or emotional response. Be careful, however, of relationships that are merely based on practicality or utility or you will ultimately be lonely.

Mars is in 17 Degrees Capricorn.
Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige, or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top.

Jupiter is in 00 Degrees Cancer.
You must be emotionally secure in order to grow and develop. You are happiest when your family and community support and nourish you and boost your morale. Whether your childhood experiences of love and emotional dependability were positive or negative will set the tone for your emotional growth and stability as an adult. When you feel at ease with yourself, you are able to offer assistance to those who need a helping hand.

Saturn is in 21 Degrees Capricorn.
Very serious-minded and mature, you have the ability to take on responsibilities and to carry out important duties. You can also be trusted to be extremely practical and thrifty. A good organizer, you are the ideal one to be counted on to take a clearly defined project through to its logical conclusion. An achiever, you pride yourself on your ability to focus your attention totally on some worthy goal and then attain it.

Uranus is in 08 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your peer group as well, seek out practical solutions to a changing society's attitudes to customs, traditions and authority structures. Your logical and orderly manner of dealing with these matters will result in permanent and carefully planned, but sweeping, reforms.

Neptune is in 13 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 17 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 16 Degrees Aquarius.
As long as someone else (or a group or organization) appeals to your intellectual sensibilities, you'll try to ally yourself with them in some way. You may find that you always seem to get involved with many wide-ranging groups -- so much so that you find it difficult to fit them all into your busy schedule. Your many friends and acquaintances provide you with needed stimulation. You're loyal and fair-minded -- you try to spend time equally with all your friends, never concentrating on just one or two for any length of time. Although probably quite conservative yourself, you're attracted to those who are a bit offbeat or eccentric -- you enjoy watching their minds work.

Though that's probably wrong because that's a rough approximation of my birth time though sounds about right to me even if I don't respect Capricorn (to stiff).
I'm 20 man I can't even believe that, can I even call myself young anymore?
INFP Core Millie