Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Some time ago, Mr. Saari requested that I explain the chart of our president-elect; now president Obama. So here are some tidbits.
We have had very few presidents with Neptune rising, square the Sun. This shows a genuine idealism (something Saari doesn't like; oh well!). Clinton has Neptune rising too, but aligned right with Mars and other planets. Obama has Neptune alone, in Scorpio. This also shows a connection to "generations" (Neptune being a generational planet: two orbits = 2 saecula). But the good thing, I think, is that it shows the deep and genuine humanitarian awareness of the man. This could be a great boon and example of new leadership. He has said that his pet peeve is cruelty; kindness for him is a virtue, and that is the signature of Neptune. This planet can also signify scandal or deceit. He has faced some of this already, so it will be interesting to see if this is a problem. But sometimes people with idealistic Neptune aspects reach too high without seeing the steps beneath them, and often try to cut corners. In any case, for better or worse, idealism is stamped right at the core of Obama's character. And this shows he doesn't want to aim small or moderate, as he said in his speech today; he knows, as the pundits do not, that if you aim high, you might at least rise above mediocrity; but to settle for moderate goals will only guarantee failure at best.
Uranus in the 10th house of power and government shows indeed that he will be a president of "change," and will actually bring about a revolution to some degree; that is also unusual among US presidents. These positions mark him as a man whose actions will be focused on bringing a brighter day, and that he will be an innovator on behalf of his humanitarian values. He is aware of many long-term trends, which gives him the perspective that most presidents lack (notably his predecessor).
In spite of the Neptune aspects, which might indicate some tendency to waver, there is the potential for real strength of character shown as well. An astrology chart only shows potentials and directions, and how a person realizes them depends on him/her, and on many other things. His chart and his life so far demonstrate lots of steady endurance, combined with vision. Astrologically this is shown by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the one that marked JFK's new era in his birth year of 1961, and it forms powerful 120-degree trine aspects to both Mars and the Moon. This is the chart of someone who is destined, yet willing and able, to face tough challenges and see them through. Foresight, and the ability to apply lessons learned, are also shown in his horoscope by these positions.
At the same time, Mars' position in Virgo (exactly aligned with the USA Neptune) shows that he will not easily escape the foreign troubles and wars that Bush bequeathed to him, and that he will have to deal with further troubles that will call upon him to decide how to use the military. But Virgo also refers to the call to service and "responsibility" which he announced in his inauguration speech. Venus in his 9th house balances the Mars position with a desire to use peaceful methods of diplomacy, which he will have some success with. He is free of difficult mutual aspects from Venus to the Sun and Neptune, which historically show involvement in foreign wars, so that is a good sign. Overall, I would say that Obama's idealism is matched with common sense, good judgement, good timing and disciplined skill.
Mercury, being at the top of his chart, and closely tied to all these planets I have mentioned, shows his rhetorical ability, and the mental powers; and these skills are his main tools with which he will move our nation into the "new age" he spoke of. Being a Leo, he has a strong sense of himself and his dramatic powers, and loves sport and gaming; he is a confident Lion of a leader like his fellow Leo Bill Clinton, yet apparently more able than he and some other Leos to look beyond his own needs and glory. Being a triple fixed sign native, Obama will be noted for endurance and steadiness, as well as skill in managing the economy and generating wealth. The Moon's position right on the cusp of Taurus-Gemini shows the ability to communicate and be flexible too.
I think there's lots in his chart to augur a good, or even a great presidency; but whether it's enough remains to be seen.
As I predicted at this site 10 years ago, and in my book, the period of 2008-2009 has been the start of the 4T crisis, due to economic challenges and climate change. Things will get more difficult for Obama and the world before they get easier, especially in 2010. These current historic planetary alignments of crisis, closely comparable to those of the early 1930s, will reach their maturity in 2010; after which new revolutions will occur circa 2010 to 2014, as well as a green industry-powered recovery, which I also predicted long ago for the period after 2012. Note also, Zarathustra, that I could not have made these predictions without Pluto! Of course, further aspects of the crisis will come in the 2020s, as our new 4th Turning "winter" reaches its climax, and other "gray champions" will be needed.