I'm pretty much done. Certainly with this subject. Possibly with this forum.
IMHO, Angeli, that would be an overreaction.
Look, we're all in this together. I understand that you're afraid of the violence being done to people who look Arab, but the truth is that nobody is safe. You can say that Chicago is a more likely target than Whistle Stop, OH or wherever the heck Marc lives, but if terrorists launch a major biological attack that won't mean diddly-squat. The first lesson to be learned in this Crisis is that there is no secure fortress. There will be more lessons down the road, but that's the first one.
The terror attack provokes fear. Fear makes some people lash out stupidly at people who look vaguely like the terrorists. And fear of those people then caused you to lash out at a satirical web site (which was, in fact, attacking the very people who inspired your fear) and a poster on this forum. And although the connection isn't as obvious and direct, no doubt the background climate of fear caused Marc to respond to you with less sensitivity and compassion than he should have.
The fact remains that Marc has never himself committed any hate crimes against Muslims, Indians, or indeed anyone else to my knowledge, nor expressed support for such actions. And your response would have been more appropriate directed at someone who had; such a person would have deserved your outrage. I don't think Marc does, irritating as he can sometimes be.
At the same time, calling you a racist was completely out of line. Shame on you for that, Marc.
Can we declare a truce in the face of a common foe, or several, including the terrorists AND the Americans who attack their foreign-looking co-citizens?