On 2001-10-16 13:07, Mike Alexander '59 wrote:
I don't see the similarty between the leftists rounded up by the Palmer Raids and al Qaida.
Bin Laden strikes me as a rightwinger. The worldview of men like bin Laden is not disimilar to that of the extreme American religious Right. Both hate the atheistic American culture with its strutting homosexuals and bra-burning feminists and both hate the US government. Both have an obsessive hatred of the Jews. One refers to the US government as "Zionist Crusader Alliance" and the other as "Zionist Occupation Government".
The targets selected by bin Laden were the very heart of "Blueland": New York City, the liberal press, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader and the US government--all natural targets for an extreme Rightwinger like bin Laden.
The biggest difference between them is fundamentalist Islam provides a glorious afterlife for suicidal attacks in a Jihad, whereas fundamentalist Christianity frowns on suicide. This is an extremely important difference for it makes the former far more dangerous.
I can see the similarities between Marc's reference to the Palmer Raids and resulting histeria, and the cliff America's citizens are standing on which, in one misttep, we, too, could be free-falling into similar events. I guess I can't see past viewing the Gulf War as WWI's counterpart, though, and the timing is off for me. I didn't get the impression that Marc was connecting Palmer with bin Laden....
Mike, my impression of bin Laden is not either-wing, but anti-capitalist and anti-modernist. I consider bin Laden's targets as all being Capitalist: NYC is the Capitalist Capital, the press is capitalist (increasing owned by capitalists), and we have a Capitalist President (business-oriented). In another thread, I think it was OddlyStrange who makes a great point: that if the anthrax letters are a bin-Laden job, then they would have been engineered or planned before 911, which means since their goal was to take out Bush & Cheney with the PA-downed plane, then Daschle WAS next in the gov't line, right?
As for the press being liberal anymore, well, that's been debated before here, and I disagree. But, I find it interesting that even if we agree to agree to the press being liberal hypothetically, then certainly Rather is considered the most "liberal" of the 3 traditional networks, and he hasn't gotten a letter -- yet, anyway.
As for comparing bin Laden's ilk to the EXTREME American RR ---- oooh, that's on the whole, apples to oranges, IMO. I have heard parallels noted elsewhere (not on T4T, in *real life*) comparing the strategy of abortion clinic violence, as well as Timothy McVeigh's doings in OKC City (although I seriously doubt even the extreme RR claims him, as many of them do condone abortion clinic violence).
I have posted previously, though, that I found it interesting that had Falwell and Robertson made their now-famous 911 observations in a more objective light (by not judging and not saying, See, we told you so, etc.) that what they had to say may have been taken more seriously.
But, those are the only two points to me that parallel bin Laden's philosophy and that of the extreme RR.
Oh, and Mike - I did catch you were only talking about the EXTREME RR.