On 2001-10-21 20:43, richt wrote:
My real point of contention is not that the 4T needs to wait 10 years or so, to fit the historical pattern, but that
if reactions, counterreactions, and just plain bad luck conspire to create an undeniable Crisis era, and it happens in the next couple of years, that this is not an impossibility in the S&H model. This would simply be an earlier Crisis than even the Civil War crisis,
but not so early as to say that the constellation of generational archetypes did not play a significant part in shaping it.
And that is my point. The generations are far enough along into the phases of life to influence history. They are decidedly
not as far along as needed to shape history in the clearcut "ideal" S&H template, but they are far along enough to shape new generations, and to be stamped as generations in their own right by pending events.
The Millennials need not end up a classic Hero generation, but could be a version of the Hero/Artist Gilded, and an archetype could drop out, with the next-born generation being the New Prophets. This is how the turnings/generations timetable would get "back on track". There is no rule that says 58-to-76-year-old Silents cannot be faced with a Crisis era catalyst, one that actually turns into the start of a Crisis era.
So, I think much is possible at this advanced state of the present generations occupying phases of life, even though the phases have a ways to go before complete occupation, and though the shorter Silent and Boomer generations (each 18 years) skews the ideal mathematical alignment.