On 2001-11-30 12:31, Richard Turnock wrote:
On 2001-11-29 23:59, L Leavell wrote:
..... Please don't confuse the catalyst with the regeneracy of the 4T...the last time, it took four years of fumbling around for the mood to jell to the point that the US had national focus on what needed to be done to begin to move through the crisis.
Interesting idea, let's go down this trail further. So, what is being regenerated? Institutions, mental models, behaviors, attitudes, business, schools? Where is the evidence of regeneration?
K-12 Schools have been in the process of regeneration for the past decade. Or maybe what we thought was reform was nothing compared to what we will do in the next four years.
The Federal gov. is regenerating the INS is this an example? What others are an example?
This is fun!