If Dubya bombs Iraq, we can expect for the nation to divide itself even more, and more people will be on the side against the bombing. If he bombs Somalia and Sudan, there won't be as big of a fuss. If we wants to keep ratings high, we would do much better in bombing Sudan and/or Somalia than Iraq.On 2001-12-09 09:58, Stonewall Patton wrote:
Tristan, you have this exactly right. Junior's handlers have turned him loose since 911 because he can safely improvise when not dealing with anything specific, mimicking movie heroes, etc. -- sort of like a little kid role-playing in "Cowboys and Indians." But as dumb and gullible as the American people collectively seem to portray themselves on so many occasions, they certainly still retain memories dating back to before 911 -- and Junior's daddy's experience in office proves this.On 2001-12-08 23:46, Tristan Jones wrote:
I have my doubts, Shrub does not strike me as a visionary material. To be a signifact Crisis leader, you need vision and you have a sense of what you know is right and what needs to be done. If I was a Boomer, I could make such material, however Shrub does not have the kind of material. A job he would be good at is acting, his personality type is the Entertainer. While mine is INTJ, the Mastermind,
The American people still remember that, when dealing with anything substantive, Junior's handlers would not allow him to give unscripted remarks about anything even to the point of never holding press conferences. They still remember that Junior could not even keep to script without fumbling it on the rare occasions when his handlers did turn him loose (while shaking in their boots and sweating profusely). The American people are still aware that we basically have Forrest Gump in office -- and he has strings pulled by someone else. Just as his daddy's number returned to the basement as soon as his "police action" ended, so will Junior's because nobody's attention span is that short.
The great fear of course is that the handlers will try to prolong a "police action" for no other reason than to avoid seeing those poll numbers plummet to their normal low level -- and Junior has indeed made it clear that this "police action" will go on and on and on...since it is to his advantage. Will the poll numbers stay up with this "police action" going on indefinitely? If they do stay up, will the American people go to the polls and vote for Forrest Gump simply because he is currently engaged in a "police action" without end?
As dumb as the American people may seem at times, I just do not think that they are that stupid. I can see them giving Gump high numbers for an ongoing "police action" on Election Day while simultaneously pulling the lever for his opponent. No one mistakes this "police action" for a real war and therefore there is no true "wartime popularity" to affect people's votes. No matter what the handlers try, nobody is really losing sight of the fact that we are dealing with Forrest Gump here. The American people will not reelect Forrest Gump...indeed they never elected him in the first place.
Bombing Iraq would be a foreign policy disaster also, given that Iraq is an ally of Russia. Such a campaign is sure to spark anger in Russia and China. And given that many people blame US sanctions for Iraq's starvation, it would be a bad policy domestically, and will galvanize the left, and create a much larger anti-war sentiment among the citizens of America (perhaps, the largest since Vietnam), and among our friends in Europe. Europeans already have a strong disliking of Bush.
As for Sudan, not many people care much for it, Sudanese factories have been tied to prior terrorist attacks (and hence, Clinton's "Wag the Dog" cruise missle attacks against a Pharmaceutical (sp?) Plant). In addition, the Muslims in Sudan enslave the Christians in the southern part of this nation. So by appealing to the Christians, such a war could easily gain support. And given that the Christians are largely darker colored peoples, this can also gain the support of some black activists.
As for Somalia, there isn't even a government, and the public is very indifferent to this nation. It will be hard for Bush to lose on this. Given that there isn't a central government, there will likely be little resistance, except by Al Queda members. And since there isn't a central government, a case can be made by the Bush Administration that Al Queda could easily have put weapons of mass destruction there. Let's see how smart the Bush Administration really is in selecting their targets.