On 2002-01-18 22:39, Marc S. Lamb wrote:
Mr. Parker writes, "I myself have often written that my own personal High experience ended with the burning of Downtown Newark in '67, and the National Guard saving us from the rioters."
One needs to understand the cycle, and how it goes up and down. Consider a generation that faced "race" riots during WWII:
The 1943 Detroit race riots, or the race riots in Mississippi, El Paso, Texas, Beaumont, Texas, Detroit. Or the "Zootsuit race riots in Los Angeles, or the
Port Chicago Explosion and Mutiny.
The race riots of the 1960's, Mr. Parker, were a continuation of the Dubois revolution that burnt itself out with the death of King in 1968. The "dream" had "died." And it gave way to such utter failures, such as forced school busing and the silly rehtoric of
Jessie, that guy with the bad hair day and, of course,
Political Correctness.