On 2002-06-05 21:16, Marc Lamb wrote:
"The Bush administration went no further than allowing the EPA to issue a report to the UN that warned of "signifigant effects on the environment from climate change." The report suggests NOTHING to deal with heat-trapping greenhouse pollution beyond VOLUNTARY action by industry."
Say It Ain't So, George shows that you're missing the real point.
Bush actually thinks this kind of stuff is going to make you want to vote for him and the GOP! And that's really stupid, isn't it?
Right after 9/11, polling data showed that, for the first time since Nixon, Americans suddenly "trusted" that government would do "what is right." And, of course, Dubya's job approval numbers went through the roof as well. Well, with recent revelations that the FBI and CIA really screwed things up on 9/11, those "trust to do whats right" numbers have fallen back down to nearly pre-9/11 levels.
But Bush's numbers are still up there in the stratosphere! In fact, among the GOP voters he's up to ninety percent approval!
But that could still spell trouble for Bush. Why? Simple, those falling "trust" numbers point out an old truth uttered long ago:
You can fool some of the people all of the time. And all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the folks all of the time. And pretty soon the folks like me are going to wise up to all this cynical left-wing crap Bush is pulling (trying to woo you libs that won't be wooed

) and we'll say amongst ourselves,
I think I'll just stay home of election day.
Yep, it's 1992 all over again! Is this a great country or what? :smile:
More on why Bush is making a huge political mi<FONT SIZE="+3">$</FONT>calculation trying to appeal to you liberals out there...