Actually I prefer the marketplace of ideas that comes with free speech and the ensuing diversity of expression
and love to empose hate crime legislation.
I'm fairly undecided on that issue... while I feel that the motivation of the crime is nearly as important as the crime itself (should a guy who lost control while driving be considered the same as a cold-blooded murderer?) I think that race does not necessarily equal motivation
Liberals hate guns and love criminals.
I'm for responsible gun control (think Sweden or Switzerland); if someone can't hit 7 out of 10 targets they shouldn't be trusted with a gun (maybe that counts as 'hating guns' to some conservatives...) - and I don't exactly 'love' criminals more than anyone else; they should be punished to the extent that they're criminal but also rehabilitated to the extent that they're human
(Liberals hate 'religion' and love personal expression.
I agree with Thomas Jefferson on religion (that it's a personal matter between man and God) but I DO admit to loving personal expression - what's so unamerican about that?
Liberals hate fatherhood.
I love and respect my father; while I don't believe a mom-dad parenting is necessary, it IS important to grow up with a parent/parents who love you and allow you to grow into a responsible, mature adult
Liberals hate farmers and love field mice.
Liberals hate sovernty and love mass illegal immigration.
Not really... I prefer immigration laws to be loosened but to have more careful screenings (for obvious reasons)
Liberals hate SUV's and love to burn weed.
I'm not the biggest SUV fan but if there was a petition for marijuana legalization I'd likely be the first to sign :smile: