On 2002-07-09 18:28, Jenny Genser wrote:
On 2002-07-09 15:16, justmom wrote:
Liberals hate sovernty and love mass illegal immigration.
Actually, liberals are undecided about immigration.
There is one camp that supports it because of diversity, multiculturalism, and the like. Also some liberals that I know personally have done studies claiming that immigrants create more economic growth and income than they cost in social services.
The other camp believes that large numbers of unskilled immigrants (both legal and illegal) have depressed wages and made it harder for native born Americans (particularly African Americans) to find work. There are also environmentalists who feel that immigration causes excessive population growth, which is bad, and that immigration should be restricted on those grounds.
Conservatives are just as split. One camp dislikes them because they dilute American culture, require social services at higher rates than the native-born, and cost the tax payers dollars.
On the other hand, others like them because they provide a steady supply of low-wage workers. Our President falls into this camp.