On 2002-07-12 08:53, Marc Lamb wrote:
The fact is, is that folks like Mr. Maroncelli and Mr. Patton, for all their powerful chestbeating, fancy left/right charts, and tools of language, merely are just too clean for the game of politics. And for them to remain clean, they must rise above the dirty fray of actual deed. Thus they invent the means of defining liberty and freedom so as to keep themselves above it all.
With great bravado they stand upon the sidelines, alternately laughing and screaming, with Declaration and Constitution in hand waving wildly at the players upon the field. They are the Monday morning quarterbacks full of scorn and ridicule for the bird-brained dumbass that dropped the ball the day before.
Funny, I have always thought of
them as the real assholes, who wouldn't know how to score if their life depended on it. :smile: