On 2002-07-13 05:59, Stonewall Patton wrote:
On 2002-07-12 21:12, R. Gregory '67 wrote:
On 2002-07-12 18:07, AlexMnWi wrote:
Okay, I got Neo-Conservative but "The New Republic" seems quite leftist to me. Maybe someone who did not get Neo-Conservative *or* Third Way is not the best expert on where The New Republic stands?
The New Republic was leftist, at one time...40 or 50 years ago. The Neoconservative movement is led by former leftists who broke with the left during the last 2T and joined the conservatives, over their support of the Vietnam War. This happened because the left during the 1950s (GI-generation led) had by and large been supportive of the Cold War, but during the 1960s the "New Left" (led by late wave Silents with the rank and file mostly Boomers) came on the scene and turned antiwar and anti-draft. Unlike some other conservatives, whose main issues are moral and social issues (the Christian Right), or economic deregulation (free market think tanks), the Neoconservatives' big issue is a hawkish foreign policy. The New Republic was at the center of this movement.
There is an article on who the Neoconservatives are, at
It's written by paleocons and not very sympathetic.
Alex, R. Gregory can correct me if I am wrong, but I think he/she means to say that the
Weakly Standard is the neo-con rag (which it is). The
New Republic is the Third Way rag.
All Third Way is in this country is New Democrat (i.e. Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and the DLC). New Democrats diverge from the traditional anti-business Democratic line in that they are willingly in bed with the corporations and are funded by the same sources as Bush-Rockefeller Republicans and neo-cons. New Democrat Third Wayers are even louder than neo-cons and Bush corporatists in praising the "virtues" of public/private (government/business) partnerships. And let us be unambiguously clear: government/business partnership is the defining aspect of fascism...which you never hear today but which was clearly understood and repeated ad nauseam by Mussolini et al. in the last saeculum. This specifically IS corporatism. The term "corporatism" does not refer to corporations. It comes from the Latin
corpus, pl.
corpora, and "corpora" was the term used in fascist theory to denote the bodies established for each industry in which government, management, and labor would meet to plan the economy. As Mussolini put it, corporatism is the merging of government and capital, and all power in the State. Corporatism is fascism.
New Democrat Third Wayers, neo-conservatives, and Bush Rockefeller Republicans are all corporatists, but some corporatists are more fascistic than others. For example, Bush-Rockefeller types represent oligarchic rule as opposed to dictatorial rule. A Bush White House simply fronts for and executes the will of a bunch of big wigs behind the scenes who wish to control the country and ultimately the world. The White House is simply the agent of a corporate elite. So do not look for Junior himself to fill the shoes of a stereotypical fascist dictator even though his administration's policies will often closely mirror those of historical fascist regimes. But do note that the "nationalism" of the Bush regime mirrors that of traditional fascist regimes.
Third Way New Democrats, on the other hand, have a propensity for dictatorship as opposed to oligarchy. Although they are funded by the same oligarchy, they tend to favor a "strongman" to do their bidding. But also note that they do not exhibit the traditional fascist "nationalism" espoused by the Bush types. So they pick up one fascist element over the Bush types but drop another. Our politics today is sort of a corporatist smorgasbord where you pick and choose the variety of fascist more to your liking.
When we get to the neo-cons, pay really close attention. Like the Bush-Rockefeller types, they are "nationalists" and in fact they cannot stop talking about "national greatness." But unlike the Bush-Rockefeller types, they exhibit a propensity for dictatorship versus oligarchy. They share this desire for a strongman with the New Democrat Third Wayers. So neo-cons in fact combine the distinct fascist elements of the Bush-Rockefeller types and New Democrat Third Wayers and offer the "total package" in terms of fascism in this saeculum.
What is even creepier is that neo-cons, being largely former Mensheviks, have made precisely the same journey from the Left as did the fascists of the last saeculum (as R. Gregory noted). Neo-cons represent this saeculum's closest parallel to traditional fascists of the past. You rarely hear them described in this manner (probably because they do not wear uniforms) but, objectively, the match is unmistakable. These folks are so power-hungry that they need to be watched with great caution as we enter the 4T. They have no respect for limits on their power, constitutional or otherwise; no respect for boundaries and the rights of others. All that matters is their "will to power."