On 2002-07-13 17:08, justmom wrote:
Stonewall and Kiff thanks for the invite.
I have to warn you all that this may be the longest post ever posted.
Marc Lamb, I sent you a private message last night, did you get it?
And in the interest of staying on topic, like you care at this point,
YOU are proof positive we are still in a 3T. ( more on that later.)
Along with a detailed explanation of why I am leaving.
First off, this is not what I had expected
at all .
When I came in I thought that I would find a community of people
who were maybe a little ahead of the game. With a heads up on what
the future holds for us. I assumed, silly me, that you would be willing
to admit, that whatever your deeply held beliefs were you would be
willing to let go of some of them in the interest of finding some common
ground. I am more than aware my opinions are my own. But, I also
know through common sense that the way I want the 4T and thus the next
1T to evolve, will never manifest it?s self in the way
I want.
But, It won?t manifest it?s self singularly the way
YOU (any of you)
want it to either.
I thought that that was fairly evident. I guess not.
Well, that?s what I thought I would find.
What I did find is a typical chat room where people are more interested
in putting forth their arguments and ideals than listening to others ideas.
Where the goal, like any other typical chat room, is one up manship at
it?s finest. Who has the biggest vocabulary, who has the biggest dick,
who has the fastest hands. But, more importantly and MOST importantly
who has the best argument and who can with clairity put that argument
forward. Alternative views are hated and conversely loved for the same reasons.
You hate what the other has to say, yet, you love it because it?s a challenge
to show your skills at the game of debate. Admittedly there is some, but, not a
whole lot of interest in the content.
For all of the bickering name calling and stupid stuff said here, this is why
we are still in the 3T. This whole forum sounds exactly like Congress.
I think we all agree that at this point Congress sucks hardcore on their
ability to get things ?real? things accomplished. That is why I am taking my
leave. I can?t think of any thing more depressing than spending my time
watching C-SPAN. Unless it?s watching C-SPAN the 4T. It?s not that
any of you are necessarily depressing, it?s my own disappointment in
what my expectations for this forum would be.
This forum may be fun and great for most of you, which I am sure it is,
but, for me to argue for the sake of argument is not a sport. It gets wearisome
real fast.
And the funny thing is it?s still questioned weather or not I am even a real person.
I think that trips me out more than anything. Yes, I assure you I am quite real.
I suppose one of the reasons you question my validity is because although I am
an X?r , the people I identify with more than any other group are the Silents.
A little background maybe. I am 34 born in 1968 to a man who was 35, born
in 1932, to a man who was
50, born in 1885. Since you understand generations maybe you see what an anomaly
this is. I grew up extremely protected from the culture of 1968 ie: Vietnam, the hippies
etc. But, alternately I was barefoot and ran free most of the day in the hills.
( all the while living in So. Ca. ) I grew into my teens as a typical X?r
alienated, a punk, used drugs, blah blah. On my own at 18. But, really on my
own, I never had a roommate to take advantage of. By 24 I had 2 children, the
first I adopted out and the 2nd I kept. I was also widowed at 24. By a
abusive binge drug addict, user of , crack, cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and
Valum. I still drink wine, on occasions, about 1 bottle a month. Just in case you
think I?ve swung 180 and now refuse all forms of ?intoxicants? as a knee jerk
reaction. A year and ? later I was remarried to the most gracious loving and
wonderful man alive. With a totally rad job to boot, he?s a sea captain , whose
home every night.. We now have a total of 3 kids, and I love my life.
We just celebrated our 8 year anniversary.
When I was younger I was a bleeding heart liberal. I was also depressed and
alienated. I wasn?t ever really happy with me, or the way things were.
Now, I am very happy, and content and I like myself, I love my kids, my husband
and I have a great marriage that is envied by some. So if you ask me to
?Consider the Liberal point of view? been there, done that, I don?t like living
that way. I prefer being Happy. :grin:
I suppose now, more than ever you doubt I am real. Don?t you?
I know at this point you do. Although for the life of me I honestly cannot
figure out WHY.
I have a some parting words to each of you, and since you love to see your
name in print, this is the part of the post you?ll enjoy the most.
But, before I do, If there really is a 4T, a
real one. I may be back to
see what you are talking about , until then, there?s no use. I have a son to teach
how to ride a bike, a daughter who needs to learn to swim. A carpet that needs
vacuuming, laundry that needs washing?. And real live friends who actually
have the SAME political view as I do. Believe it or Not!!
Stonewall, are you married? If you are does your wife behave, act and look
exactly the same as she did the day you were married? Do you? Are you
both as hot for each other as you were? NO? Why? Oh, I see you?ve learned the
art of something called ?compromise?. Why is politics any different?
Bush, you feel sold you out, and now your anger over your perceived injustice
blinds you to any good he might actually accomplish. If you think you aren?t
angry, your posts betray you, instead of coming off well spoken you often look like
a hothead.
Eric, forget it, man. The summer of love is over. No matter how much you
believe in your heart, if we all just fucked and smoked weed with each other
the world would be beautiful. The reality is ?grass? no longer costs 5 bucks a ?lid?.
And every other girl you poke has herpes.Too bad, your not young anymore.
Kiff, I respect you above all the others. Your gentle rebuke on one of my
more hormonal days, was well founded and gave me a opportunity to
re-evaluate why I had come here in the first place. Even if I don?t agree with
you 100% it?s people like you who will lead us into and through the next
Alex, you?re young, 15? yes? The millies need more like you. Stay the right path
and teach those around you. The future of America may very well depend on you
and people like you. Remember, gun control is a steady hand :wink:
Justin, I would possibly write you off entirely, except for the fact that you are still
in your 20?s. I think there is great hope for you. Listen to your mom.
Marc Lamb, As has been pointed out on earlier posts, the harshest words are
reserved for those whom we agree with. Sorry, brother, but, if you have
4 kids, shame on you for spending such great quantities of time on the computer.
Although, I do admire your commitment to torture yourself day after day
for what you believe. I think I?ll get out before I am sucked in all together.
Neisha and Heliotrope, As mothers, ( correct?) even though our views are
so different, I see in you a different quality than some of the others.
Perhaps this comes from a change in perspective once one becomes a mom.
Living has less to do with ?me?, and more with what?s in the best interest of
the babies. Too bad we can?t get together and do a play group.
I bet we would have a lot more in common that superficial appearance on
these forums. Although, Heliotrope doesn?t believe I am for real.
Maybe you can go the the park and just pretend I?m there.
Jenny, Jds, Croaker, Tim all the rest?..rock on??.
If anyone wants to contact me directly my email address is
ma2x@hotmail.com My name is Maxine Armstrong. It?s my junk
mail address but, I?ll check it for the next couple of days.
And if you really want to have your mind blown check out this link
But, it?s only good for 72 hours.