Originally Posted by
Number Two
As if liberal and conservative are the only two political positions :-)
i think that most of us here know that our resident Stoner is actually a libertarian and therefrore neither right-wing nor left-wing... he dislikes bush's politics not because he's towards the right but because bush is much more authoritarian than libertarian (as a liberal with libertarian leanings i dislike bush's politics for both reasons
Nice response, William. That about nails it. Thanks.
I was rather taken aback by Mr. Flandry's encyclopedic response(?), rebuttal(?). What could possibly motivate someone to write such a pointless epic on a dinky little board such as this one? But I endeavored to read it and got no further than the part where he claimed to be a true libertarian in asserting that freedom is relative. Absurd. Mr. Flandry is actually defending the Rule of Men on a relative scale as if to say that a captive who is permitted an hour of "freedom" in the courtyard every day should not complain about his condition when his fellow captives, by contrast, get no such respite. Freedom is relative to Mr. Flandry, perhaps even to the point where it blinks out of existence under the boot heel of man's arbitrary will.
The Rule of Law cannot be reconciled with the Rule of Men. In fact, the Rule of Law came about as a direct response to the excesses of the Rule of Men, which are unavoidable given man's flawed nature. No libertarian defends the Rule of Men and Mr. Flandry surely knows this. Ergo, Mr. Flandry was being disingenuous in his assertion (surprise!). However...he was being unwittingly honest with the other assertion in that he might be a true (modern) liberal. Modern liberals often do share his belief that freedom is relative and that power need not be predicated on such "obsolete" concepts as consent. Mr. Flandry should find a welcome home in the Democratic Party in that it is now virtually indistinguishable from the Republican Party.
As I indicated, I got no further than this point where Mr. Flandry revealed that he is a troll. I merely scanned down to the bottom and got a chuckle from his absurd postscripts. As if I seek the approval of the Kool-Aid drinkers who can still call themselves Republicans in good conscience! And as if I...or anyone else here...would even bother to respond to a cretin, troll or otherwise, who claimed that he "called the authorities" because he did not like what was being discussed with respect to possible outcomes of the approaching presidential election of 2004! But you do appear to care deeply about the cretin, Mr. Flandry, so much so that you make it a point to take time out of your busy day in order to keep track of who and who does not respond to his posts. It is a good thing to watch our for a friend!
The only other thing I caught was the word "phony" above "Begala," etc., just above the postscripts (again, chuckle, chuckle). No, Mr. Flandry, I may be a lot of things, but one thing I am not is a phony. I cannot get motivated to deal in anything else but the truth...I just do not have the time. You, on the other hand, plainly revealed yourself to be a phony in your epic. There are no billy goats here, Mr. Flandry. You best just crawl back under your bridge.
BTW, Mr. Flandry, if you do not already work for the executive branch in some capacity, by all means do drop off an application. You are precisely the sort the Bush administration is looking for. You demonstrate superior ability in subterfuge, obfuscation, and all the essential skills relevant to effective dissemination of propaganda. These skills are invaluable to the Machiavellian human garbage which presumes to rule us. This, sir, is your true calling in life. Good luck in your interview and be sure and quote our fearless leader who agrees with old relativistic you that "there ought to be limits to freedom." "Make the pie higher!"
I do hope this response suffices because this is all you are going to get. Now go on. Crawl back under your bridge.