Originally Posted by
Brian Rush
Stonewall, you might be interested to know, or may already know, that a federal appeals court has invalidated the secret tribunals erected by the Bush administration in the cases of immigrants suspected of terrorist activities. The court used very strong language about the incompatibility of secrecy with democracy.
I may say that I expected this. Our Constitutional system is in real trouble when it faces a challenge the founders did not foresee, such as the corrupting influence of campaign contributions. But they certainly did foresee usurpation of power by the executive branch and offenses against liberty by same. The system contains multiple failsafe mechanisms to prevent that, and is well designed to prevent it. We are now seeing those failsafe mechanisms in action. Expect more of the same. If Bush continues down this line, he will be increasingly frustrated.
That's why, although I share your disdain for Mr. Bush's violations of civil liberties, I've never worried all that much about it.