Originally Posted by
?and Billy Jeff left The Mumbler with a trillion-trillion-dollar surplus without the threat of war. Now we have a trillion-trillion-dollar deficit, and The Mumbler wants to wage WWIII against the evil doer who tried to kill his daddy. Oh, but we do have our ?faith-based initiative,? and our Pledge, and our self-righteous songs. So how?s that for irony, all you God-Bless-Americans?
Nice to hear from ya, Croak. By the way, the deficit stands at "159 bllion", not the "trillion-trillion-dollar" beast of which you claim. But what's a few billion/trillion, huh?
Your post reminds of the the Clinton game, Croak, which
still is; distort, distort, muddy the water, obfuscate, and when ya have to
just lie. Which, as one of Clinton's fellow travelers pointed out, Clinton is "unusually good" at. Boy, that Clinton must of really learned a thing or two in Moscow during his Vietnam era visit there, huh? "Down with America!" Go, go, Ho, Ho! :wink: