Great big happy Duh? You conservatives are so shocked that Democrats jump to the worst conclusions about the Republican party????
Anybody remember E2K? How soon we forget. It was in all the papers, remember?
It doesn't make the papers these days, but a lot of people still believe the presidential election was, at best, decided by chicanary and nepotism that doesn't bear close inspection. 911 only masked that. I believe myself to be a rather level headed person and it crossed even *my* mind that Wellstone's death seemed terribly convienient ...
Except for the tiny fact that his anti-war stance made it look like he could lose even a Democratic stronghold like Minnesota. Mondale has a better chance of holding that seat than he did.
So if anyone killed Wellstone, maybe it was the Democrats ...

(Not, you understand, that I'd put it past some Republicans either ... )
(ahh, the truth really is out there ... :lol
"You're so nice.
You're not good, you're not bad,
you're just nice.
I'm not good, I'm not nice,
I'm just right.
I'm the witch.
You're the world!"
- Steven Sondheim, Into the Woods