Re: Distinction between Free Country and a dictatorship

Originally Posted by
Tim Walker
Interesting image, a few forbidden islands in a sea of rights. What is forbidden must be specifically spelled out. I don't recall who I am quoting-this is in reference to a Communist regime-but "whatever isn't forbidden is compulsory."
Re: the interesting, scary phrase "Whatever isn't forbidden is compulsory".
Yes, that phrase was in my mind. It may well have been used to refer to a Communist regime. I first came acrosss it as a child in the book "The Once and Future King".
In the book, when Arthur is a boy, Merlin (knowing he will be the king one day) changes him into various animals as a way to teach him stuff. At one point, he is an ant. The ants are portrayed as Communists of a sort, and posted on the wall in the ant nest is the phrase "ALL THAT IS NOT FORBIDDEN IS COMPULSORY" (or words to that effect).
"To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil." - Charles Krauthammer