Originally Posted by
David '47
- Puritanical authoritarians, interested in enforcing proper individual behavior, but less concerned in the use of private power
- When trying to influence behavior, prefer the the "stick" to the "carrot"
- Highly judgemental on a personal level, but supportive of established institutions
- Value loyalty and order, perhaps to an unacceptable extreme.
- Class authoritarians, interested in controlling the private use of power, but less concerned with indivual behavior
- When trying to influence behavior, prefer the "carrot" to the "stick"
- Non-judgemental on a personal level, but suspicious of established institutions
- Undervalue loyalty, and apparently thrive on chaos.
Personally, I say this is a pretty skewed and silly excersise in label denial.
It's the liberal wackos that are trying to outlaw personal choice on certain kinds of motor vehicles. It's liberal wackos that just as soon see every American become vegetarians. It's liberal wackos that see a tree, a spotted owl and a snail dartar as more important than a human life and happiness. It's liberal wackos that want my kids to have free access to pot, condoms and abortion on demand, but if a kid's caught with a cigarette, much less a butter knife; Whoa!
Zero Tolerance Time!
Ever since 1933 and the New Deal, liberals, my firends, have seen government as the Almighty, the ever present means to their end which is
power. Since 1972 the only thing that's changed is that they seek to be arbiters cultural Political Correctness, as well. Every single special interest groups, from teachers unions to minorities to
in your face gays and lesbos at the NEA, these people are collectivtists at heart. And it is the power of the federal government trough they all feed from.