Re: Backlash aganist SUV's

Originally Posted by
Tristan Jones

Originally Posted by
Marc S. Lamb
First of all, why provide a link to the pro-SUV guy, when you've talked about a anti-SUV gal?
Second, this may come as a shock to you (I know it does to liberals), but upholding the law (and some degree of civil order) is the only means man has at "maximsing liberty for everyone."
Well the article talked about the backlash aganist SUV's and what may be behind it.
I will clear this one Australian 'Conservatives' do not mind trampling over 'few liberties and rights here and there' in the pursuit of making a more 'ordered, decent civil' society, some of them would love a Singapore style justice system if it meant very low crime rates. Before the 1960's Singapore's apporach to justice which includes corporal punishment for minor offenders was the standard in Britain and also in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
If our American conservative friends were halfway honest, they'd admit that this is their view as well. Order and using the "stick" to achieve it are hallmark conservative positions in this country, too. Show me even ONE Republican Attorney General that didn't support a strict application of "justice", even though the risk to the innocent was high. I doubt you'll find one.
If you question their overbearing use of the police power, you'll only be branded as "soft on crime". Like the SUV phenomenon, it's the fear factor that rules.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.