Originally Posted by
Suz X
I'm feeling just a little bit condescended to when everyone seems to think I don't even understand the concept of peer review. I said I don't know a whole lot about ecology; I never said I don't understand scientific methodology!
I do, and I will use my also not inconsiderable levels of basic intelligence and common sense to decipher what I read in the context of what I have already studied and learned. I am not without contextual references of previous origin and comprehensive understanding of complex systems as they exist in our world. In other words, talking down to me is not neccessary. I am fully cognizant of each of your respective points of view by simple inference, and I am intellectually able to classify them according to more complex systems of hierarchies in my own mind. So stop all this prattle about howI should think. I'm not going to think in any way you can influence. I do not like being the default "ignorant person" in your collective view of how perhaps other "ignorant people" can better educate themselves about anything, be it ecology or genetics or physics or philosophy. You collectively show such a strong penchant towards the notion of an "intellectual elite" you might as well all supply each other with special library cards. I wonder how much of environmental affairs are disrupted and stymied by people such as you who assume you know so much more than the people who actually earn a living by exploiting the "biosphere" and provide you with the food you eat in your tax-subsidized cafeterias everyday, whatever that really means in real terms.
Right now I am much more attracted to Marc Lamb's input than any other source, just because he doesn't require that I hate myself. I don't think the causes of the various previous species-culling eras operated in nature with any self-awareness, and are therefore considered "natural." What is unnatural now? Is the proliferation of humans unnatural? Who can say, and what difference does such a pronouncement make? Just wondering.