What the f**k? When was this???Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
What the f**k? When was this???Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
whoa.... it was already all in one post, huh? pretty harsh, brian.Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
you didn't need to actually go find it, marc. as i said, i took your word for it. there's no reason to make sh*t up here, especially since the search functionality can quickly prove or disprove such claims.
plus, i'm sure if brian hadn't actually written those things, he would rise to his own defense to deny it, much as i now have to rise to my own to deny the following:
come on now, we all know that i wouldn't post anything like that.... my liberal guilt would never allow it.Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
:oOriginally Posted by The Wonk
oh, that? that was never.Originally Posted by The Wonk
TrollKing claims, "come on now, we all know that i wouldn't post anything like that.... my liberal guilt would never allow it."
Right, and Eric Alterman's "liberal guilt" wouldn't allow him to "wish" Limbaugh would "go deaf."![]()
Sorry, Ms. Genser, T4T.com has offically adopted TrollKing's standard of guilty until proven innocent. You "want evidence," of when and why? You'll have to "go find it. it's there for the reading. or don't."Originally Posted by The Wonk
i don't know (or care) about alterman's, but mine wouldn't allow that, either.Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
marc, your apology ought to be for drawing ms. genser into this so you could prove a point.Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
as for my standard, it's simply to take people at their word. over-citation is pointless (and a bit neurotic, imo), and nothing i claimed dominic said was ever denied by dominic, with good reason.
in this case, i have denied your claim. now, ms. genser can either take your word or mine, or she can look it up herself.
I thought that was last February 30 :-)Originally Posted by TrollKing
Yeah, but which thread?Originally Posted by mmailliw
"The Liberal Media Claims that February Has Only 28 or 29 Days!"Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
Aloysius Lilius was a liberal???Originally Posted by mmailliw
Oh, Justmom! Please do come back. I was just wondering where you had gone off to. Besides, in these times you'll lose your sanity anyway, you may as well joust with folks here for the fun of it.Originally Posted by justmom
Hey, I missed your post, Max! Ooooh, it's been a long time since....Originally Posted by justmom
Hey, don't stick around here long, Max. That "Woooooo WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" is sure to turn into a %!$#!!!&!%$!! Woooooo WEEEEEEEE!!!!!! real fast! :wink:
february 30th and never are morally equivalent.Originally Posted by mmailliw
Ok, I'm back.
Yes, I have occasionally made nasty comments toward one poster. As Brian Rush said in a different context, it's not political, it's personal. Specifically, the poster in question is either (a) an extreme leftist who puts on a "libertarian" cloak to try to make opposition to our current government seem more widespread than it is; (b) same as (a), but replace "extreme leftist" with "Democratic Party hack"--which often doesn't seem much of a difference; or (c) a libertarian who is quite willing to not only make common cause with the extreme left (which might be justified), but also to post their Web literature with his implied approval (which isn't, because you cannot claim with any integrity that Bush is both too far left and too far right). Having established that said poster is quite willing to lie in order to achieve his objectives, I show him the contempt he deserves. Compare my posts to S.P. with my posts to Brian Rush, for instance: I disagree with almost everything Mr. Rush says, but I have been pretty civil (although I did once call him "asinine").
As for Eric Alterman, I have to admit that he inspires a negative gut reaction in me as well. It would be one thing if he'd said what he did in the middle of a hot exchange, but in reality he just did it as a snide remark to show how cool and tough he was. Which was laughable, since he looks much like Peewee Herman with a goatee.
BTW: Yes, I am 35 years old.
dominic, to be clear, my intention was not to single you out for "nasty comments"..... we all do that. sometimes in the heat of argument, sometimes not.Originally Posted by Dominic Flandry
but that was exactly my point. it's not a behavior or sentiment that is limited to any one side.
The fact is Brian Rush and Eric Meece have never recinded one rotten word of insult and shit, and never ever will, TrollKing. And that alone (laying aside the *scale* of the insult) ought to account for something more than this tepid little meely response of yours, that everybody does it! Well, not everybody has the guts and sense of decency to make things sane again, do they? You at least acknowledge that, on the part of Dominic, but still insist on tossing him in with the "other side" anyway. How unfair and creepy is that, TrollKing?Originally Posted by TrollKing
It seems you like to stand in the middle of the road, dude. Well, that's just fine, it's your choice, have at it. But in trying to be "fair" to both sides, understand that at the end of the day, just like Lincoln said, "Both sides can't be right."
ok, so those two have never rescinded their statements (again, i'm taking you at your word).Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
the "other side"? the only "other side" i was speaking of, and the only "other side" i was "tossing [him] in" was political. alterman, et al. are on the left, dominic on the right. what the hell were you talking about?Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
marc, for f**k's sake, calm down.Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
you're obviously going off the deep end about this whole thing, because (to bring this full circle) you're blinded by your prejudices. your mind is already made up and you can't possibly even entertain the notion that those who disagree with you might have some valid points, or that they may even be (*gasp!*) right.
thus, people on the left wishing ill will (to any degree) on the right is abhorrent, but the inverse is, well, hell, that never happens, except maybe on the far, far right, and if it did, it would never be as bad as when the left does it. whatever.
apparently, you do not come to this forum to discuss, but rather, to proselytize. which is a shame, really.
Well, thank you alan, and Marc too. Perhaps I will come back.Originally Posted by alan
But for the next two days I will be gone. I am among other things a
pretty radical floral designer. And it is Valentines Day. I am off to
Catalina Island (26 miles across the sea, Santa Catalina is a'waitin' for me,
Santa Catalina the Island of romance, romance, romance romance)....
yeah, that one....except the locals sing, "the Island of no pants, no pants, no pants, no pants"..... Anyhow,I go to work with a friend of mine
to make a hundred and fifty arrangements more or less of flowers.
To all you men out there. Target has some BEAUTIFUL jewlery now.
It's a vintage look to it. Marcasite, or, black diamonds set in silver, with some CZ's. It's wonderful and very affordable too. Don't forget your valentine, O.K. Don't say you weren't warned.
I am sad to see Virgil left![]()
Since I left I have lost 16 pounds by riding a stationary bike for over an
hour ever night. ( And HC, I'm still not in my size 5 jeans!) I think it gets
my aggression out. It's similar to screaming at you boobs, but, my ass is
actually getting smaller not bigger.
I have read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
And I've not prepared myself for battle with the Libertarians, and Liberals
by absorbing all things Conservative,
And Justin '77 doesn't come into my head and have terrible arguements with me. Yes, it was always Justin, I wonder what that means?
All in all it's been very peaceful
Jenny wrote me a rather late Christmas letter and John(jdsxg1958) sends
me stuff, so you all are in the background and I can't forget you.
I was kinda waiting for the next terrorist attack to come back. That may
sound odd, but, until then, or the war with Iraq, or bomb from North Korea
(but, if that's the case, I'll probably be dead) there's not much meat.
But, did it ever get decided if Wellstones funeral/democrat rally was
orchestrated by the top brass in DC?
Did Stonewall get through to anyone that Bush is Machievllian (sp?) ?
Did it ever get ironed out who the GC is ?And when we could expect to
see him?
nah, didn't think so :wink:
see you over the weekend TTFN..........
Clearing up a matter from the previous page of this thread:
Be it known to all surfers of this corner of the cyber world that our beloved fellow poster, TrollKing, self-infused with enough "liberal guilt" to have never wrote such a thing, did indeed not write such a thing as "that jew bitch" at any time in these threads, much less when referring to any living, breathing human being, or one previously named posted named Jenny Genser, alias "The Wonk."
Having noted and corrected that intentional error, it may be suggested that I, Marc S. Lamb, alias Marc Lamb, should offer some sort of apology to the parties involved in this scam (though perpetrated for the expressed purpose of proving a salient point) . . .
. . . Nadda.
No such apologies are necessary in this corner of the cyber world wherein one poster defames another with completely unsubstantiated charges as "contemptible con artist," a "thoroughly low and despicable excuse for a human being," and a "shill and toad," etc... And then said accuser is immediately praised by his fellow posters, who "admire your consistency and patience," while noting that it is a "pleasure to share this forum with you."
If that wasn't a clear enough indication of how things work here at fourthturning.com, a poster applaudes in earnest salute, to the forthright defamer, while proclaiming, "May our standards and ideas always measure up to yours."
Amen, bro!![]()
A friend of mine from high school who is a physician in Cincinnati recently told me that some child psychologists did a study of nightmares in children. By chance someone noticed that - and I know how this sounds! - there was a huge increase in the number of troubling nightmares that involved a disaster. This increase occurred in the weeks before 9/11!
He could not recall exactly who had done this study, but claimed it was legitimate. To me - a scientific skeptic - it sounds like an Internet or urban myth.
But I will wonder out loud if the increase in society's Angst is being mirrored in children's dreams these days. Question: those of you with smaller children, or contacts thereto, have you noticed anything along these lines?
Do the more mystical among you believe that the ultimate 4T crisis could be "predicted" by examining children's dreams, as my doctor-friend seems to imply?
Not sure about kids in general, but my little guys sleep like the dead.Originally Posted by SJ
It's All the Rage
America Has Made the Breathless Harangue Into a Screaming Success
More... (if you'd like) :wink:
By Peter Carlson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 13, 2003; Page C01
Hey, you psycho nutcases, you Feminazis, you Commu-Nazis, you pathetic little parakeet males, you stupid white men, you grim quivering angry women, you cougar-cuddlers and leg-crossers, you brutal brain-damaged degenerates, you leeches, you hyenas, you maggots -- listen up and listen good:
If you've gotten sick and tired of nasty name-calling, vindictive invective and unrelenting venting, you better unplug your home entertainment center and become a hermit, because there's no longer any escaping from the age of the screed, the rant, the tirade, the jeremiad, the diatribe, the venom-fueled, white-hot harangue!
The momentum has been building for years and now it has reached a critical mass: On radio, on TV, on the Internet, on the stage, on CDs and in countless best-selling books, Americans are ranting like spit-spewing street-corner lunatics.
These days, one of our country's main forms of entertainment is listening to extremely angry humans venting, grumbling, griping, carping, cursing, raging, railing and bellyaching. The kind of people who would, in a more genteel age, be holding forth on bar stools or soapboxes now have their own syndicated radio shows, record deals and book contracts.
Over on the left, there's Hunter S. Thompson, the aging king of gonzo, denouncing Republicans as "brutal brain-damaged degenerates" and attacking George W. Bush for "killing brown-skinned children in the name of Jesus and the American people."
And there's filmmaker Michael Moore, author of "Stupid White Men," the best-selling screed that denounced Bush as "our idiot-in-Chief" and "the thief-in-chief," then offered this carefully nuanced insight: "Hard-core Republicans are desperately hoping that Big Dick Cheney can survive half a dozen more heart attacks and last long enough to oversee the raping and pillaging of everything west of Wichita." That delightful book has been on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list for 41 weeks and is currently No. 7.
Over on the right, there's Rush Limbaugh railing against "Feminazis," "Environmentalist Wackos" and other "fringe kookburgers." Limbaugh is so popular he has spawned scads of imitators, right-wing radio ranters like G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Neal Boortz, Mike Gallagher and America's fifth most listened-to radio personality, Michael Savage, who uses his nationally syndicated show to savage the folks he calls "condo commies . . . psycho nutcases . . . cougar-cuddlers . . . leg-crossers . . . couch-warming leeches . . . and dyed-in-the-dung liberals."
Savage isn't just an angry man. He's an incensed, irate, enraged man who is absolutely livid over what those dirty liberals have done to America's beloved meatballs:
huh?.... now you're trying to prove my point?Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb
Nope.Originally Posted by TrollKing
Just trying to make ya feel good: Hey there's somebody else, out there, that thinks just like I do! :wink:
oh, ok. thanks!Originally Posted by Marc S. Lamb