Originally Posted by
John Taber 1972

Originally Posted by
Dominic Flandry

Originally Posted by
John Taber 1972

Originally Posted by
Dominic Flandry

Originally Posted by

Originally Posted by
Dominic Flandry
Sorry, John John: you can be the idealist who longs for a bright future, or you can be the snide one who sneers, "Isn't Bush stupid?" over some stupid book. But the two don't mix.
why not?
I suppose he can mix them if he wants. But it's hard to take him seriously as a victim when he's running around singing, "Neener, neener, neener! Yooooour'e stupid!"
No, I'm just
legitimately concerned about who's supposed to be running this country and the direction he's taking it.
And at least I post using my real name.
Getting back to my original point:
But it's hard to take him seriously as a victim when he's running around singing, "Neener, neener, neener! Yooooour'e stupid!"
YOU have anything constructive to say here? Or do you simply think I'm a lower lifeform for having never put on a uniform and having ever voted for a Democrat?
Let's look at it this way. I happen to like this president, but, even more, I am deeply embittered at the attack on our nation by the terror network. We can disagree on the details of how to attack said network; hell, if you want, oppose any response whatever. However, when you
mock our President--who is perfect neither as a man nor as a President, but who is at least trying to get our country out of a bad situation--it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, because I--and millions of others like myself--see it as a mocking of our patriotic views. As a matter of fact, mocking the GOP is really the only weapon your side has any more. Do you really think people opposed impeachment of Clinton because of those long boring tirades by Alan Dershowitz and Geraldo Rivera? No, it was because the anti-American, pro-Clinton Hollywood Left repeatedly chanted, "Linda Tripp is ugly, Linda Tripp is ugly, Linda Tripp is ugly," and "Republicans can't get laid, Republicans can't get laid, Republicans can't get laid." (They tried later on pulling the same trick by chanting "Katherine Harris has no fashion sense," but it flopped when people started legitimately asking what kind of
men gave a damn about women's fashion sense. :wink: