It seems that the World Order put in place in the 1940's is running on fumes, having become mortally wounded circa 1989. Bush the First's "New World Order" was a noble, if ineffectual, attempt to make something of the disintergration. But it will require a much more wrenching catharsis to truly reorder the world stage and create a functional new template to workin within and from.
I see world history (at least in the Modern era) going through periods of relative order and periods of relative flux if not disorder. I would propose 1945-1989 as an example of the first, as well as 1871-1914 and 1815-1848. I would propose 1789-1815, 1848-1871, 1914-1945 (and recent history as the first sizable fraction of a period) representing the latter. I would guess that, if we don't blow ourselves to Kingdom Come in the meantime, circa 2020 would usher in a workable New Order. I am by no means married to these dates.
Though the timing of this has much to do with the Saeculum, I don't think it does so entirely. But what I perceive as periods of flux seems to roughly coincide with late third turnings through fourth turnings.
There surely is extraordinary conflict and realignment coming our way.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.