Originally Posted by
"Marc Lamb
Our supposed frustration, here at this website, is not about this at all. That debate is over. What we find objectionable at this "nonpartisan" site, is what we truly believe is unreasonable "shrill noise" from the left. Positing that Bush is Adolf Hitler, Napolean or pick-your-favorite despot is not just silly to us, but in this messy post-Clinton era, it is quite infuriating to read this crap on a daily basis in these threads.
I think Captain Eagen, who has castigated me a time or two for getting too partisan in these threads, and has been quite reasonable with everybody on both sides of the aisle here, to have become fed up after having a long-time poster here basically spit in his face -- ala the Vietnam era -- was understandably a little much to endure. Surely any reasonable person, grateful that military men and women are putting their lives on the line every day in faraway places, apart for their loved ones for long periods of time, would understand that getting spit in the face in these threads might result in a harsh reply (or unreasonable) in return.
I am not at all surprised that no one posting in these threads might reasonably understand this response by Captain Eagen, as I would consider most posters here with a single clue as to the "price of freedom," ot the "cost of liberty." This, in spite of all their bookish learnin'.
Most conservatives don't stick around these threads for very long. I have been told to leave many times by the very same poster that spit at Mike Eagen's profession. S&H never post here. Sanford, another pretty reasonable guy, got fed up and left a few days ago. Now, the Captain.
If you're somehow surprised, and I really don't think you are, I would think the last thing any of you all should do would be to look in the mirror. Any honest attempt at that might result in a reversal of the election trends since Reagan. And I, for one, wouldn't want that to happen.[/size]