Re: Hopeful Cynic68 on the money!

Originally Posted by
Jason C Carnevale
I totally agree with Hopeful Cynic's assessment of the situation. I think we are still very much in a third turning. The national mood has not shifted into a crisis mentality yet. If we were truly in a 4th Turning right now, the entire country would be behind the war on Iraq.
I disagree, Jason. There were plenty of "subversives" and Communists during the last Crisis. The reason why they are for the most part forgotten is not because they did not exist, but because they were largely ignored and had little influence. It is just not possible for a large group of humans, or everyone in a country, to all think the same way. Feelings are always going to differ and this leads to opposition. Unlike those who stood behind the peace movement during the Vietnam era., I don't think the antiwar demonstrations going on now are going to have much impact, and will be largely ignored. Just because there are those who oppose US involvement in Iraq, does not mean we are not in a 4T.
It's like a bug high on the wall. You wait for it to come to you. When it gets close enough you reach out, slap out and kill it. Or if you like its looks, you make a pet out of it.
- Charles Bukowski