Originally Posted by

Originally Posted by
Tim Walker
Tristan, this is Dubya's war, not ours.
This is your war since it's being fought by American forces, under orders from the American president, and the world will count it as yours.
The reason people aren't much interested is the same reason they weren't much interested in the Clinton impeachment, or the disintegration of the shuttle
Columbia, or any number of other issues: it's hard to get the public very excited about anything in a Third Turning.
I am not sure if you are joking or not, HC.
I simply find it hard to believe that anyone could still think we are in a 3T.
I had my doubts, even, at times, after 911.
But everything that's happening now--and the attitudes and ENORMOUS interest I am seeing, leave absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are well into the 4T. Hell, you can't watch anything else on TV these days and it's getting hard to find a station that's actually playing music anymore (unless it's patriotic songs or the National Anthem).
Perhaps you're in denial.
It's everywhere.
Suddenly no one is much interested in the composition of Britney's breasts, in Sharon Osbourne's cancer surgery, or in whether Michael Jackson's emotional growth was stunted by an abusive and overbearing father. No one cares anymore about who's the Survivor, who is going to be our American Idol, or who Wants to Be a Millionaire. The only reality show in town right now is this war. Of course, the mood was much the same for a short time following 911, but I still believe that was the real beginning of the 4T. Now it's just certain, and I think it's a safe bet that S&H would say we're in one too. Back then our feet just got wet; now we're knee deep. And the water is swiftly rising...
I've had the news on nearly nonstop now for 3 days , and it's pretty clear to me that things are escalating quickly.
I wonder how much interest will be shown tonight in the Academy Awards. Of course, if people are interested and do watch, that does not mean we're still in a 3T. It just means we want to escape. During the last crisis, movies and movie stars were definitely a big deal.
I also think there's a reason the Orgy thread on this website has been so active. It's a little less active than it was prior to our invasion of Iraq, but I think this is temporary because we've been distracted. That it continues to be active--and to avoid the usual petty quarrelling so common on other threads--to me simply means that we fourthturners, like everyone else, need to seek comfort and cobble together a sort of community, even if it's only an online one.
It makes us all feel a little bit safer.
It's like a bug high on the wall. You wait for it to come to you. When it gets close enough you reach out, slap out and kill it. Or if you like its looks, you make a pet out of it.
- Charles Bukowski