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The fight is on, but no, there is no reason we cannot pull out and leave if we decide to do so. You just offer an armistice to the other side like we did in 1991, or 1918. Bush and Co. won't do this, but just because they tell me the Iraqis are my enemies, does not make them my enemies. If the war was wrong to begin, it is wrong to continue. Therefore, the "enemy" of the war is an incorrect enemy, because we should not be fighting them.
Pull out and leave? You've got to be kidding.
I had grave concerns about this war before we started and I have other concerns about our president and his policies, too.
But pull out and leave?
What would Saddam do to the Kurds who are helping us fight in the north?
And the Shi'ites in the south? If nothing else, now that we've started, we must stay the course or be responsible for another bloodbath in which the victims trusted us (as they did in '91) and then got slaughtered because we did not have the political will to finish what we started.
And that would only be the beginning. Saddam would undoubted find a way for payback time--and that would have to be some kind of very nasty terrorist attack--probably with the chemical or biological weapons that the French and Germans say Saddam does not have. You know, the ones that Saddam's Republican Guard have gas masks to protect against?
Then there would be the demoralizing effect that such an action would have on our military. They have just recently recovered from the Clinton years and to do such a thing to them would be dangerous in the post 9/11 world.
Then there would be the weak signal sent to others of Saddam's ilk. What conclusions would Kim Jon Il draw from such an action?
The peace movement seems worried about what France and Russia think of the US, but that matters much less than what other middle east and world despots armed to the teeth thing of the US.
There is no way now to send Saddam a "Sorry for the Incovenience" note and go on like before.
Finally, Bush II is not telling you that the Iraqi's are your enemy. He is telling you that Saddam and his regime are your enemy. He was our enemy before this war started and he is certainly our enemy now.