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Originally Posted by
Eric, you on the Left are just going to have to get over this. There has been NO EVIDENCE presented that the election in Florida was rigged, and people have been looking for it.
You just haven't read (or don't want to read) the facts. Felons who weren't really felons were taken off the rolls to decrease the black vote. This was in the thousands.
It might be true that people might get tired of this argument. On the other hand, it might be too bad Gore is not running. If people get fed up with Bush (which is a good possibility considering how things are going) they might have wanted to vote for the guy who really won. Another Democrat might be able to use this. I wouldn't emphasize the issue too much, but just put it in the back of peoples minds.
Ahhhhhh stick it in a lock box, Eric.
...."um...(obvious confusion)...what?"
"It's short for Maxine"
" *brightens*....oh!"
"But nobody calls me that"