Originally Posted by
Kevin Parker '59

Originally Posted by
Vince Lamb '59

Originally Posted by
... If you want me to hazard a guess as to what the issues will be I think it will have something to do with changing the Middle East, and a Manhattan Project style program to transition to a Hydrogen Economy. Here I freely admit I am engaging in rank speculation.
I'm down with this being the 4T, the climax being years off, and the transition to a Hydrogen Economy being a major issue of the next decade...
Concerning the Hydrogen Economy...my guess is that the events of the Fourth Turning will spur us to develop the technology, but the actual transition to H2 from oil sounds to me like a Grand Project of The Next High, rather like the Interstate System was during the last one.
To get to an H2 Economy, you first need to EXTRACT it. That uses a bit more energy than the H2 contains, so you'll need to expand electrical generating capacity by a LOT. In turn, that still requires transmission lines or H2 transport - neither of which is simple or desirable.
I agree. We can't (won't) fix this until the next high.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.