If Brian will concede that the Left is the conservative party, as he properly defines it
The left is, by definition, never conservative.
If you mean the Democrats, they should not be confused with "the left."
DLC Democrats and moderate Republicans together constitute America's present conservatives. Liberal Democrats are not conservative.
Using my seven isms (conservatism, liberalism, corporatism, socialism, fascism, fundamentalism, and environmentalism), the corporatists, fascists, and fundamentalists are usually seen as on the "right," while the liberals, socialists, and environmentalists are on the "left," and conservatives are in a class by themselves. But that can be a bit misleading.
Currently, fascism is riding high, along with corporatism, but that's an accident of the current administration's dice-roll into power. Over the course of the 4T, the ism with the biggest clout will prove to be environmentalism. Because, again, we have no choice.
It is completely impossible for Bush's program to be the pivot around which the realignment occurs, except temporarily and in the exact same way that Napoleon's was for France and Hitler's was for Germany in those respective Crises. Events will sink it, inevitably.