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Well, maybe it is 4T. Actually, this makes it seem like it will be a mild 4T (which S&H said was possible in the book), or, it is a tease and it will be a regular not-so-mild 4T by the end. I don't know. Just like generations have cusps, which some describe as some people are completely X, and some are completely Millie, and there aren't really hybrids. I suppose our current culture is like this also. Some aspects of culture are like in the article, and seems completely Millie and 4T. In other aspects, it seems very 3T and X-ish. For example of this, there is still such a focus on multiculturalism, our differences, blah blah blah. But, maybe those trends continue until the regeneracy. I think what is sort of nice with our time, is that you can sort of "choose a turning" and go there. In the mood for 3T? Go somewhere with low unemployment, but a 3T culture, such as Madison, which has low unemployment and a real party college. This area is also very "multicultural" and what-not.
Want a 4T culture instead? Go to a college that is not a real party school and is very "millie", and is in an area with higher unemployment.
So, as some say that a cusp is part of both generations, I think we are in a "cusp turning", or something. I mean, media circuses and so forth still go on, they are still cutting taxes (although they don't really raise these until regeneracy either), and so forth.
By the way, S&H sort of hint in the book that the GC can be, and often is, an otherwise mediocre president, who can "talk the talk but not walk the walk". FDR was the GC of course, but the unemployment fell VERY slowly during the entire New Deal, which had unconstitutional aspects and was essentially worthless... when it came to fighting the depression. However, at the same time, it restored confidence and optimism, which is what made him a GC. Lincoln was the GC, but he picked the worst generals. Bush could be a (not the) GC, but the situation in Iraq is pretty bad, the economy isn't that healthy, and most people overseas seem to hate him. However, he has never had approval ratings below 50%, many of his supporters strongly approve of him, and he has strong anti-terror rhetoric, even if the American public is a better weapon against terrorism (already foiled the shoe bomber, and on 9/11, a likely attack on the Capitol) than the Homeland Security Department. Seeing as how I doubt his actions would have gotten much support before 9/11, this makes another 4T aspect.
My main point, I think the 4T aspects of our culture appeared on 9/11, but the 3T aspects won't go away until the regeneracy.