Consider the words of S&H in
Generations, in chapter 13, regarding the likely reaction to a hypothetical nuclear-terrorism threat in NYC in 3T (they called it an 'inner-driven era' then):

Originally Posted by
Strauss and Howe in chapter 13 of GENERATIONS
Alternatively, suppose this hypothetical nuclear terrorism were to the middle of the current Inner Driven era. By then, the span of roughly a quarter century will have entirely reshaped the likely national response--which would caution, conciliation, and deferral. Silent Cabinet officers would consult allies, form committees, review options, and invite full public discussion. After initiating multilater negotiations, leaders would generally try to wait things out. The crisis would frustrate but not anger Boomers, (who would trade philosophic remarks about how it was bound to happen sooner or later) and would hardly ruffle young 13ers (many of whom might rush toward the city to sell or volunteer transportation to families wanting to leave). Official evacuation plans would be expensive and overcomplicated and would elicit little public confidence that they would work as intended. Most people would stay calm and simply make their own plans. Chances are, the nation would squeeze by the immediate threat undamaged, but leave its underlying causes either unsolved or, at best, mildly ameliorated.
That obviously doesn't fit the current situation exactly, but then, S&H meant it to apply to the early 90s, which they then saw as middle 3T, though I've come to suspect that it was actually early 3T. Also, they were talking about a situation far worse than the blackout in question.
Note that in the blackout, most of the people got home on their own. There wasn't a lot of excitement, and pragmatism was the order of the day. It remains to be seen out the aftermath will be handled. If the result is a lot of committees and debate, and very little actual action, it'll be strongly 3Tish.
Note further that the first thing the government did was to assure everyone that it
wasn't terrorism, not an attack. According to S&H, in the same discussion that I quoted from above, that would be the very opposite of behavior to be expected in 4T.