Re: Weird 4T

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Once again I have to excuse myself for my long absence but express satisfaction that people continue to post interesting ideas.
I strongly recommend that anyone wondering where we are going read any book about the Gilded Age, such as the Allen Nevins biography of Grover Cleveland I've been dipping into (that one is hard to find), or any biography of Grant, or the Henry Adams journalism collected under the title "The Great Secession Winter." After the amazingly violent explosion of the civil war, we descended rapidly into total civic cynicism and corruption, which didn't seem to bother anyone except a few elderly transcendentals to whom no one wanted to listen (quite possibly the kind of elderhood Bill S and I have to look forward to!) Corporate greed ruled the nation and the Congress--although in those days corporations wanted high tariffs, not free trade that exported all our jobs. (Come to think about it, maybe they are smarter nowadays. Keeping the jobs here means a labor movement and, eventually, another New Deal.)
The question is whether Bush and Co. can find a way to make a large mass of Americans FEEL they have some stake in this awful New Order. I have the feeling that Union veterans' organizations did that in the Gilded Age; but we dont' want a mass army now. It may be that, despite W's disclaimers, we will be driven to turn the "war on terror" into a religious war, in an attempt to find civic glue among Christians. (The Florida right-to-die case is a rather chilling warning of how social issues may become more politicized. It won't be long before some boomer mom is asking the legislature to give Jeb Bush the power to stop her daughter's abortion.) The alternative would be to re-institute a draft to create the multimillion man army that we need if we really want to occupy the whole Middle East. That would be lunacy, in my opinion, but if the alternative is to give up Iraq (and that increasingly looks like the alternative), that may be their choice.
It's Karl Rove who is trying to design the new consensus, and Karl Rove believes in mobilizing the people based on hate. Rather than move to the center, he is always looking for some new group whose anger hasn't yet found expression in the political arena. In a country where every other person has a gun, this could have scary 4T consequences. I'm sorry to be so pessimistic, but I just don't see much of a liberal alternative out there at the moment.
David Kaiser '47
If Strauss & Howe are right, then there was no Hero archetype in the Gilded Age, which probably had a lot to do with the qualities of that era you (and I, and others) find so repugnant. So far, this cycle's Hero archetype, the Millenials, are right on track.
Furthermore, Rove not withstanding, (as you know and as The Wonk has pointed out recently) this cycle has a Prophet archetype that is only 18 years long (up to 22 years though if some on this site are to be believed). It seems likely from the discussions I've seen on this site that the main saecular reason for the Civil War Crisis going so badly (and the subsequent first turning being so sterile) was the existence of an overwhelmingly large 29-year long Transcendental generation.
With a much shorter Prophet generation this time around, maybe the Silent and Xer's will have a better chance of ameliorating Boomer excess than the Compromisers and Gilded had with their go at it, and therefore we will have a healthy Hero-Civic group following this fourth turning to create a more egalitarian society than we saw in the late 19th century.
Don't be so glum.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.