Originally Posted by
"Ah, but you can't expect the Democrats to behave, pre-realignment today, as Dewey behaved near the end of the crisis."
I disagree. A true catalyst turns "The People" before the people turn the wheels of national unity (or a generational long divide of 20 years).
American politics always follows the will of the people. Not the other way around. S&H clearly point to 1930 as being "the year," not 1932 or 33.
Posted by: William Strauss The Media thread
Date posted: Mon Sep 1 23:17:34 US/Pacific 1997
Subject: real news vs. celebrity news
David K has commented, correctly, that Fourth Turnings produce the most real news, and Third Turnings the least. Except when events like the Princess Di tragedy strike, Americans today seem to be caring less and less about real news, which they consider of less and less significance to their lives. That, of course, will change. When the Fourth Turning mood catalyzes, paparazzi-style behavior will seem far more ridiculous than today. It was in 1930, after all, that the flagpole sitters came down their poles because nobody cared about stunts any more.
The year 1930 is, in many respects, one of the most remarkable (yet understudied) of this century. Let me recommend to anybody near a good library: Spend an hour or two perusing old Fortune, Life, and Time magazines from that year. Note what was going on--in style, attitude, and manner. It's very instructive.