Originally Posted by
Brian Rush

Originally Posted by
FaithAndReason '67
Unravelings aren't resolved until one side is either defeated in war, or is simply too exhausted / marginalized to put up a fight.
This would mean that Unravelings aren't resolved until towards the end of the following Crisis, right? If then.
Any electoral shenanigans by Bush League like what they pulled in 2000 will be irrelevant this go-round. The election isn't going to be close enough for them to make a difference.
I agree, and that's part of my point. By the time E2004 is over, both sides will have demonized the other to the point where millions will be actively hostile
regardless of the outcome. The depth of hostility will be far worse than after E2K: if Bush wins, it will be another "stolen" election to the Dems; if Kerry wins despite $200 mil of character assassination from the Bush campaign, it will be Satan Hisself taking the oath of office to the Repubs.
The sad part is that Bush and Kerry really
aren't that far apart on most issues, and the winner of the election really
won't make that much of a difference. The Crisis is inevitable; the factors that will cause it have
already been set in motion.
As I said, I'll be donating to the Dems, and even doing some foot work for them; but at best, a President Kerry might delay the inevitable for a year or two, and perhaps cushion the fall a bit. However, in this case, "cushioning the fall" might mean the difference between 10 million vs. 20 million casualties in the next Crisis War, and "delaying the inevitable" will mean the difference between my being sufficiently prepared or not.