Originally Posted by
William Jennings Bryan
Chris, I didn't say that a 4T society had to be unified in it's response. It just had to have massively different responses from what the 3T offerred. Society's reaction to the 1929 crash was entirely different from the Panic of 1907 or the very acute Depression of 1920.
This is not correct. Society's response to the onset of the Depression was not that dissimilar to the response to earlier financial/economic crises. For example, the 1932 bonus marchers were turned away with nothing as was Coxey's army in 1894.
The lack of an effective response was why there
was a Depression. Had society taken the action we have today when faced with the same problem, the Crisis would not have happened. The "crash" we faced in 2000-2002 was potentially more severe as what we faced in 1929. But we got through it with a mild recession.
The whole point of a 4T is that effective action is NOT taken, we
drift into the abyss. The shit is
allowed to hit the fan. 4Ts are passive things, its something that happens to you, you know, shit happens.
The problem last time was our inability, or more properly our lack of will, to act as a hegemon and to moderate our economic cycles, and as a result of this the Depression and WW II happened. The 4T before that it was our inability or unwillingness to deal with "the elephant in the room", slavery. In fact, Congress passed gag orders to stop any
mention of this issue in session. In the 4T before that it was the inability of the British crown to see the untitled American elite as citizens rather than subjects. In the 4T before that it again the English crown who failed to see that the he was the
Head of State, not its
Today we face new problems. Our economy is overly dependent on oil that increasingly is sourced from poor nations. The very existence of this valuable resource creates the potential for unearned riches for well-connected inhabitants of these poor countries. This is a recipe for corruption and political instability. Price
should fluctuate wildly and shortages arise all the time. Were we to leave it to the market, oil prices would be much higher to pay for market arbitrage by speculators, and oil would not appear to be as attactive an energy resource compared to alternates as it does.
But we don't. Instead we seek a political solution to oil price fluctuatings, where we back factions that can maintain political stability, thus reducing the need for arbitrage and driving down the price of oil. Now this is something great powers have done forever--but
now its a problem. It's just like ruling a nation like an owner was "what was done" until the Glorious Revolution changed that. And dealing with commoners as subjects was always the way it was done, until the American Revolution changed that. Blacks were property, not people, until the Civil War changed that. The economy and international politics were always something Americans left to run on their own, until the Depression & WW II changed that.
Great nations have always used political power to achieve economic ends in the international arena. This crisis seems poised to change that. Artifically cheap oil achieved through political means encourages us to remain overly dependent on it rather than developing alternatives. And the political means we use to do this have resulting in a new phenomenon: al Qaeda-style terrorsm. The result is a nasty mess which is only going to get worse. Especially when our response so far has been more of the same.
This is only one poential issue around which a 4T can revolve. I can think of several others. One is environmental (suppose we get a global warming scare in the next decade, I suppose it could happen). Another is financial, how are we going to finance health care and retirement for a vast population of elderly Boomers
who vote.? This has the making a a first rank political crisis and it is due to hit next decade--i.e. during this crisis.
I can imagine waves of shit hitting the fan in sequence. The first splatter landed on Americans directly affected by 911.
Does it really feel the same as the late 1990's? Back in 2000 when I came to this site, discussions were cordial and more related to generations and history. Today the mood is highly partisan and topics usually politically charged. Back then the national scandals were about sex, today it is about war & peace. Back then it was fashionable not to care about politics. Today feelings run much higher.