Originally Posted by
William Jennings Bryan
I think the problem is one of two things. Either:
One, we are in a very intense 3T mood edging toward a 4T one, and thus we have the mish-mosh of unusually heavy issues being dealt with in a ridiculously circus-like atmosphere. Or . . .
Two, we are in some stage of the cascade are therefore in some 3T/4T limbo ramping up to a humdinger, which would also explain the dichotomy described above.
I guess the difference between the two depends upon how you view 9/11. The first assumes it triggered 1917-1920 type reaction (my guess now). The second assumes that it triggered an actual 4T cascade if perhaps somewhat prematurely.
There is also option three, which is not even on my radar screen, that we've experienced the full cascade since 9/11 and this election will be the regeneracy. Ha!
There is also the option that in a global crisis, we are the culture that benefits most from maintaining the wealth, status and privilege of the status quo. If the base problem is the large division of wealth between the former colonies and the former mother countries, and both Red and Blue faction within the US agree that we must maintain the life style to which we have become accustomed, the dominant leader of the US during this crisis might end up playing a role similar to George III, Jefferson Davis or Adolph Hitler.
We are not the most downtrodden victims of injustice. We are the fat cats. A crisis is a time when vast changes in society occur, when it is possible for the status quo to change, when the most blatant inequalities and injustices are addressed, when a new structure is created in which these problems are solved.
If history tells us anything, it is that the rich, powerful, strong and connected will attempt to prevent needful change. The progressives battle the conservatives into ruin as the conservatives want to keep what they have, and will not allow equality or justice unless the downtrodden force it upon them.
I haven't pushed the perspectives of Amy Chua's World on Fire or Arundhati Roy's flames against the United States recently, but I still think Amy is right that all the various ethnic and civilization tensions have economic cores. While Arundhati is a rabble rouser in a Sons of Liberty or Abolitionist pattern -- not a candidate for Gray Champion -- understanding her message is key to understanding the nature of the Crisis.
And neither Bush or Kerry is close to putting their fingers on the pulse of the world. Neither is apt to put forth a vision that moves the world forward to the next level of civilization. The United States is not undergoing regeneracy as the primary issues driving the crisis are not here, are not being felt by our people, are just being watched on TV from half a world away. We are not in a refugee camp, living off food provided by charity, but needing to dodge rapists to get fuel to cook the food to feed our children. Our capital has not been invaded, our government overthrown, our buildings in ruins. It is not from among us that a Gray Champion is apt to rise.
Watch for some hybrid between Gandhi and Hitler to rise in southern Asia or Africa. I am hoping for someone closer to Gandhi than Hitler, but that is only hope.