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Yes, D. A., around the time America segregated blacks and made them use the back door. Both countries got over their evolutionary ordeals -- natural selection of one kind or another. But, Marc, why bother me with this when you've got all those parasites to worry about? FDR sure did breed a lot of social parasites, didn't he?
Excuse me? The birth of Republican Party, in 1854, coincided with the determined direction of the Democratic Party to fight to the bloody death to keep their fellow black "human beings," enslaved. And this so-called chivalrous "honorable determination" was not overcome until that same Republican Party finally broke the Democrat Party's 54 day filibuster, led by the honorable "conscience of the senate" Robert Byrd, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Whachu talkin' 'bout, Willis, save out both sides of your phony, radical liberal mouth, frog? As far as FDR goes, please cite any evidence you might have at your disposal of how FDR helped black folks during the Depression, or how he even lifted a finger against that bastion of the Democratic Party, the "Solid South," to end the hideous nightmare of lynchings going on in Warm Springs, Georgia, dude.
Put up, or shut up, froggy!