Does this tidal shift in the gene pool indicate 3T, or 4T?Originally Posted by Hermione Granger
Does this tidal shift in the gene pool indicate 3T, or 4T?Originally Posted by Hermione Granger
Two more of my friends (one born in 80 another born in 81) just got engaged. Add them to the roster of "settlers down"
I was talkin' meme pool, not gene pool.Originally Posted by Bob Butler 54
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
I can understand your frustration; but if you don't vote, you get lumped in with the 40-45% of the population who (according to the pols) basically don't give a damn, and therefore get used as an excuse for the politicians to rubber-stamp whatever disastrous policies favor their rich donors. Essentially, non-voting gets counted as a vote for the continued duopoly.Originally Posted by Croakmore
I encourage you to find a candidate you can support out of the other couple dozen Presidential candidates on the ballot. SelectSmart's Presidential Candidate Selector is a good place to start; check out Vote Smart's comprehensive NPAT for detailed issue positions. So vote Cobb, or Badnarik, or Peroutka -- all of which have a chance to get at least a measurable percentage of the vote in Washington -- but for Cod's sake, vote!
Yes we did!
"Cod" heehee, I am going to steal this, Rick. :idea:Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
Don't credit me - that's Croakmore's favorite epithet. That's why I used it in that context - I normally don't take the Great Creature's name in vain.Originally Posted by beautifulcartoon73
Yes we did!
OK, Rick, I'll give my vote to you. Tell me how to vote and why, convincingly, and I'll cast my vote for your candidate.Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
Gentlemen, please confirm for the record that nothing of value was exchanged for a vote in this matter. beware, the vote fraud police are being mobilized.Originally Posted by Croakmore
:wink:Originally Posted by monoghan
HAR!Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
They're going to do whatever the hell they want for whoever the hell they want, and rubber-stamp it however they want. Your participation or non-participation makes not a whit of difference to them, as far as policy goes. What's more, since we have a secret ballot, your voting affords you not even a degree of respect from your peers and/or neighbors. All that's affected by your voting is your own conscience. Vote (or don't vote) according to it alone.
(And besides, the places with the highest voting turnouts -- Saddam's Iraq had 99% or so; the USSR usually ran in the high 90's; etc; etc -- hardly have any legitimate claim to a "peoples' mandate")
Can we seriously say that a poor peasant or artisan has a free choice to leave his country, when he knows no foreign language or manners, and lives from day to day by the small wages which he acquires? We may as well assert that a man, by remaining on a vessel, freely consents to the dominion of the master, though he was carried on board while asleep, and must leap into the ocean and perish the moment he leaves her. - David Hume
Thanks for the offer, but you'll have to do some homework first: go to the Presidential Candidate Selector, spend a minute answering the questions, and check out the result. Then think about it for a few minutes and go through the questions again, slowly. I bet you'll find that one candidate separates a bit from the pack; and like most visitors to the site, it will probably be Cobb or Badnarik with a score around 55-60. I would be comfortable endorsing either of them.Originally Posted by Croakmore
As for myself, I will actually be canvassing door-to-door this Saturday for Kerry -- the first time in my life that I've ever done anything like that. I too am disturbed by Kerry's hawkish stance, but for me it all boils down to a single issue: energy independence.
Every single foreign and domestic policy decision should be oriented toward eliminating the need for oil imports within 5 years. Otherwise, we're going to be fighting, and losing, a war with China within 10 years.
Not coincidentally, this is the issue where the candidates show the sharpest differences. Bush himself represents virtually every possible wrong decision on this issue; Kerry is the only candidate that even remotely has the credibility to get this done. (Well, he and the guy who was elected President four years ago.)
Yes we did!
Oy, and I thought I was cynical.Originally Posted by Justin '77
Yes, voting is a personal matter, but a vote for a 3rd-party candidate is the closest we have to an official "None-Of-The-Above" vote. Do you seriously believe that the Dems and Repubs wouldn't do something different if Cobb or Badnarik suddenly won 20% of the vote, even in a single state?
Also, voter turnout suppression is the most visible aspect of the wider effort to suppress civic involvement in general, and publicly repudiating this by voting is a concrete way to begin rolling back all of the roadblocks to democratic participation.
Yes we did!
Other than work to:Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
- make it even harder for a thrid party candidate to get onto the ballot
or more likely
- bend their efforts towards co-opting the forms (though certainly not the substance) of the new opposition to attempt to subsume the uppity minority back into the fold?
No, probably not much else...
Allow me to rebut:Also, voter turnout suppression is the most visible aspect of the wider effort to suppress civic involvement in general, and publicly repudiating this by voting is a concrete way to begin rolling back all of the roadblocks to democratic participation.
Channeling the individual's natural desire for civic involvement into the restricted form of voting from among a slate of Establishment-approved candidates is the most significant means used to-date of keeping the historically very powerful alternative means of civic involvement in check. After all, if You believe yourself to be 'in control of' the state, what inclination would you have to organize against it? Democracy is the most effective PR campaign ever waged by the ruling elite against their serfs. It beats the hell out of the "Divine Right of Kings" for plausibility.
"Power rests on nothing other than people's consent to submit, and each person who refuses to submit to tyranny reduces it by one two-hundred-and-fifty-millionth, whereas each who compromises only increases it." -- Vladimir Bulovskiy
Ross Perot certainly influenced Clinton's first term decisions, prodding him to decisions that partially layed the groundwork for the surplus that we enjoyed in the late 90s.Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
The substance of the new opposition is just as likely to get co-opted, since the 3rd-party voters are much less likely than the average voter to be swayed by mere shadows. So in this case co-opting represents progress.Originally Posted by Justin '77
So fine, don't vote for an "Establishment" candidate - how about Mike Bay of the National Barking Spider Resurgence?Originally Posted by Justin '77
Yes we did!
Rick, I couldn't use the Candidate Selector -- it didn't ask questions I could answer. My positions didn't fit into the questions very well.Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
True, it's not perfect; I wound up answering "prefer different solutions" a lot. Still, it's just about the only place I found that more-or-less directly compares all the other candidates. (Cobb and Nader ended up as clear favorites for me.) I guess you'll have to slog through the individual issue statements at the VoteSmart NPAT.Originally Posted by William Jennings Bryan
Yes we did!
It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Bush will win like stink.
Make plans for Jesus.
--Bro. Croakmore
Historically, this has not been the case, and the nature of people and power hasn't changed enough to indicate that it might be any different these days.Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
And lend my support to a system I oppose? And make voting seem a more credible mode of 'civic involvement'? And help perpetuate the illusion that the desires of 'the people' matter to their rulers?So fine, don't vote for an "Establishment" candidate - how about Mike Bay of the National Barking Spider Resurgence?
No thanks. If you play the game, you agree to abide by the outcome. I decline to give that consent. YMMV, of course.
"Government cannot exist without the tacit consent of the populace. This consent is maintained by keeping people in ignorance of their real power. Voting is not an expression of power, but an admission of powerlessness, since it cannot do otherwise than reaffirm the government's supposed legitimacy." -- Fred Woodworth
I'm not going to press the point any further -- mostly because I don't really disagree with you. If you are truly convinced of the injustice of the current system, and are working to do something about it, then don't vote. If that's the way you feel too, Croakmore, then so be it.Originally Posted by Justin '77
I was mainly objecting to those who use "they're all a bunch of poopyheads" as an excuse to avoid thinking about politics. Beware, if you say "a pox on both your houses", you too may wind up like Mercutio...
Yes we did!
Fair enough; though I've yet to ever encounter someone who does that...Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
There are worse ways to go. 8)Beware, if you say "a pox on both your houses", you too may wind up like Mercutio...
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -- Steven Weinberg
Poopyheads, poxes, pretty haircuts, deck chairs on the Titanic -- if ya don't know how to spot icebergs or how to use yer communication equipment then how ya gonna make it through the night? Ya ain't, no matter how good yer haircut or how ya did or didn't serve in Vietnam.
Oh, Captain, my Captain, where art thou? I see growlers off the starboard bow.
why on earth would we be fighting a war against China at all? Yes, in case of a sharp drop in oil production as a result of the oil peak, both countries would be badly needing oil to operate their massive economies, and a war between them would only waste more oil for both. The "winner" of the war wouldn't be in control of any more oil, either. And don't think such a war could be fought in the middle east...the Chinese don't have the capability to project force that far abroad.Originally Posted by Rick Hirst
Welcome to T4T! 8)
Short answer: it's the way of the saeculum.Originally Posted by Harv
Long answer: tensions have been escalating with China for some time. Oil supply is one issue; there's also outsourcing and the current account deficit, not to mention Taiwan and Tibet. We're on a collision course, and nothing I see in the current Administration's policies is moving us away from that collision.
Yes, of course it would collossally stupid to wage war with China, not the least because we are both nuclear powers. But we both have self-images that are explicitly imperialist, and that trend is only strengthening. Once the credit bubble bursts, tensions will continue to ratchet up until the unthinkable becomes thinkable. To be honest, I'm with the Frog on this one.
Yes we did!