So yes, I think Karl "parachutes are genius!" Rove is a moron. Yes, it makes my ears bleed when I hear Bush stumble over the simplest of syntax. Yes, I hate the war in Iraq ? but when left to the Dems we let Kenya go, Nairobi go, the Cole, the first bombing of the WTC and we were rewarded with 9/11. But on 9/11 I was a New Yorker, as I?ve been for 32 years. With my entire family within a 15 mile radius. And on 9/12 I smelled that acrid air and knew what I was smelling. And I don?t ever want to smell that again. I don?t want to see those sobbing faces all over the news again. Sure, there are countries and people who hate us. But you know what? When you are the United States, free, diverse, rich and happy, someone, somewhere will always hate you. So to appease them all seems stupid. And unnecessary, as no country can survive without a handout from the U.S. from time to time, so they?ll just have to get over it at some point and come back to us, hand out and open as usual. And yes, I feel that what goes on in my body is my business. And I don't care that some believe a fetus is a life because you know what? Christian Scientists believe you can buy or chant or whateverthefuck a cancerous tumor out of yourself and I wouldn't want them dictating right-to-life issues either. And yes, it pisses me off that the GOP thinks they have the right to point at any section of society and declare them less than the rest. I don't like the govt. declaring who I should discriminate against. Gays can?t get married? well why the fuck not?!! The Constitution says all men are created equal, well to me, that means gays are entitled to marry. Rick Santorum, you suck and to echo the sentiments of one Ken Wheaton, I wish homosexuality on all your children. But here?s what it boils down to?
If I?m wearing a burqa or a body bag, I can?t have an abortion anyway.
So ~ I?m outing myself. There?s an elephant in the room ladies and gentlemen. I?m not saying where I?ll stand when 2008 arrives {although if Kerry wins my guess is 6 feet south}. But this year? I?m voting for the guy that wants to save my life. Not the one who, with the blessing of the U.N., might at some point, be willing to avenge it afterwards.
Fuck you John Kerry, you?re a pussy.