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Originally Posted by
Roadbldr '59
And you know all this...how? Because Karl Rove says it's true? Fuck him!
Oh my Lord, Roadbldr, I couldn't have said it better myself! Bravo!
My better half has even suggested that Dan Rather was set up by The Rover as Dan has had a key spot on the Bush Family's Hit List for many years...... that makes more sense than anything the media is saying about it! Too bad, though, as I bet they were going for Dan to be fired over it........
Still, it is the textbook Rove technique for blinding people to embarrassing truths about Junior. You deliberately mix the facts with a certain fiction which will later be exposed. In the hullabaloo that follows exposure of the fiction, the people will automatically reject ALL of it, even the facts. In this sinister, deceitful, purely Luciferian way, Junior is "miraculously" freed (in the popular consciousness) from the taint of so many of the past failures in his wasted life.
With respect to the National Guard issue, a document was apparently forged which simply reiterated the facts from Junior's service rcord (i.e. that he did not report as ordered and lost his flight certification as a consequence). The necessary fiction was of course the document itself. Once it was released to the public, the document was exposed as an apparent forgery as planned. In the aftermath, the mass of people seem to have even lost sight of the fact that it has always been undeniably true that Junior did not report as ordered (i.e. they have disregarded all the plain facts contained in the false document, taking the curious bait that everything about a false document must be false). And so Rove scores another diabolical victory for the Luciferian creeps in the White House.
You may recall that Rove used a similar technique in the whole business about Junior performing community service in Houston thirty years ago for an alleged cocaine bust or something. In prepping the matter for public consumption, Rove called the then Democratic judges Republican. And when it was established that there were no Republican judges in Houston at the time (these were Democratic judges who only later became Republican), the entire issue was dismissed in the popular consciousness and there was no more talk of Junior's drug bust and the public service he allegedly performed. Rove is simply brilliant with these diabolical deceptions, which of course is why the Luciferian creeps in the White House keep him employed.
By the way, welcome back.
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater