Originally Posted by
Kiff 1961

Originally Posted by
Peter Gibbons
Like you said, this Flocco guy is either scooping the story of the century or he's finished.
This grand jury is going to bring charges concerning the legitimacy of the 2000 election? :shock: :shock:
Sorry, I find that very hard to believe.
It has always been obvious to me that the 2000 election
was illegitimate. It is the alleged fact that a grand jury
would even be able to bring charges that I find hard to believe. It's like that CAFTA vote last week. First thing in the morning, I heard over the radio the "assurance" that Democrats had the votes to defeat it. I couldn't help but laugh uproariously. Then that evening, I heard the same "certain" claim on the radio that Democrats had the votes to defeat the thing. That produced another round of riotous laughter on my part. Of course, the next day, CAFTA passed without difficulty, as should have been obvious would happen to anyone who has been remotely awake over the past 5 years or so.
There is a far greater degree of control over events than "society" has conditioned us to believe is remotely possible. The last six years in particular have rendered this obvious to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and who are not in denial. And it is encouraging to encounter people daily, from all walks of life, who now concede the obvious, that "society" has reinforced a false paradigm which so limits the realm of legitimate speculation as to generally prevent people from ever arriving at the deeper truths. To the surprisingly large and ever increasing number who now have eyes to see, ears to hear, and who are not in denial, it is obvious that the Bush people
should be brought up on most or all of those charges. But it is equally obvious that
it will never happen. That is why Flocco's "scoop" here is so befuddling. It obviously should happen, but it is impossible that it ever will happen. In the meantime, it provides great entertainment.