Re: Bryan, etc.

Originally Posted by
Mike Alexander '59

Originally Posted by
Roadbldr '59
The fundamental problem, Mike, remains: What happens when we aren't on such cozy terms with the people who make our stuff?
We buy it from India, Mexico and elsewhere.
When China finally decides to make us their Fourth World colony, how will be able to flip them off and declare war on the Red Bastards, if everything we need to fight a war is being made by
Let's rephrase this. When the US finally decides to nuke the Muslim world, how will we (Iran) be able to defend ourselves without nukes?
What is our answer to the Iranians? You will just have to trust us not to attack you. The same goes for the Chinese, I guess we will just have to trust them. The Republicans do and they are supposedly strong on defense.
I also have little fear that the Chinese have any interest in making a colony out of us, colonies are a drain on prosperity nowadays (just look at Iraq).
With all the Axis Of Evil noise that Bush has making since 911, I'm not sure I blame the Iranians for seeking out nukes anymore. What we need to do is support the growing anti-clerical pro-democracy movement in Iran, rather than threaten war on them. All they really need is a little separation-of-church-and-state and they'll become the second most liberal democracy in the Middle East, after Israel. If we're serious about promoting democracy in the Middle East, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
The Chinese know exactly what they are doing, which is to replace us as the sole superpower and then bend the world to their Red will. I honestly don't think the Red Republicans give a shit whether we become a defacto Chinese colony in 20 years... all they care about is making lots and lots of money for fat cat CEOs in the short term. They don't even care about the long term prospects about those companies... after all, he who dies with the most toys wins. And when you're dead, you're done.
India and Mexico? You can't convince me that "service jobs" like flipping burgers at Mickey Dee's will ever become viable enough to support a family on. This is what people who would otherwise manufacture things for a living (or operate machines that do) are being reduced to. Americans might be willing to spend $400 for an air conditioner instead of $40 if it means American jobs and manufacturing ability, but $12 for a Big Mac isn't going to happen.
I guess I don't have the same abiding faith in the market to lift all boats... and in the innate benevolence of corporations... that you do, Mike. You'd love living in Ohio! :-)
"Better hurry. There's a storm coming. His storm!!!" :-O -Abigail Freemantle, "The Stand" by Stephen King