I do occasionally advocate computer network direct vote democracy, but even here no one believes me. It seems like a big change. One might remember that the changes resulting from a Fourth Turning are generally much more significant than anything anticipated at the 3T / 4T cusp.
I don't see his middle option as likely. The status quo is unlikely in a Fourth Turning. I anticipate a struggle between the Military Industrial Complex's
New American Century neoconservative approach, and what he calls 'emergence' as the progressive alternative. In a Crisis, the progressive faction historically has the edge. I'll have to get a better idea of how he sees the 'emergence' unfolding.
The basic pattern of emergence seem similar to what I've said recently to Blue Shark in the
Events by Turning thread, to HC in the
What's the relationship between the 2nd and 4th turnings? thread, and countless times elsewhere. I can also sympathize with a few lines from the Wikipedia entry on

Originally Posted by
Adina Levin
"I'm a lot more wary about approaches that assume that political action will somehow "emerge naturally" from distributed groups of individual actors, in the same way that flocks of birds emerge naturally from simple behaviors to follow at a given distance and preserve line of sight, and termite mounds emerge naturally from termites dropping the next grain of sand near where they stumbled onto a grain of sand on the ground.
"Human governing behaviors at the level of complexity required to implement systems like coalitions and policies and constitutions don't happen automatically. People make them happen.
"Networking tools and technologies can lower the activation threshold for starting groups, taking action, and combining into larger groups of influence.
"Emergent Democracy won't happen unless we—the nodes in the network—take deliberate steps to organize and make it happen."
Adina is both wrong and right.
She is wrong. New technology causes cultural transformation. Gunpowder, the printing press, and the steam engine doomed the First Wave Agricultural Age pattern. Computer Networks are going to doom the Second Wave pattern. If I felt just a little braver I might say representative democracy is dead, to be replaced by network democracy. It's just that the senators, congressmen and MPs don't know they are obsolete yet. It is going to happen.
Adina is also absolutely right. It won't happen unless we make it happen. The computers can't provide the four vital ingredients of any Crisis: blood, toil, tears and sweat.