Originally Posted by
Devil's Advocate
Yes, and I also argue that this is largely the reason why liberals find themselves on the wrong side of history. They have always pooh poohed the significance of these despots, while reserving great indignance for a much greater threat posed, in their minds-eye, by tail-gunner Joe.
And so it continues today. Bush and Alito totally eclipse the danger posed by al Qaeda and militant Islamism.
Republicans benefited from Soviet Russia and Red China being big scary threats. Today they benefit from al Qaeda being a big scary threat. Republicans use these threats to push "Democrats are weak on defense" memes to gain the power to direct Federal spending towards their own constituencies and away from Democratic constituencies. Democrats use "third rail" Social Security and "grandma eating dogfood" memes to do the same. It's pure politics.
If al Qaeda were a serious threat to America, they would be a serious threat to the Bush administration as well. (What good is being president over smoking ruins?) It is inconconcievable that Bin Laden would still live today had he actually posed the slightest threat to the administration. Men of power protect their interests. That bin Laden still lives
benefits the administration and so in a way he is sort of an unwilling ally.
The presdent has broad powers. Following 911, had he perceived a threat to the nation (and by extension his own power) he could have (1) asked for a declaration of war against al Qaeda and those states that support them, (2) cancelled the tax cut and ask for a tax surcharge to pay for the War on al Qaeda (3) reinstated universal conscription (4) authorized a quadrupling of the size of the Army (5) sent Rumsfeld to India to look for allies in a potential war with Pakistan (6) sounded out China to assess the potential of them remaining neutral in the coming war (7) begun a crash program analogous to (but larger than) the WW II biofuel program to reduce US dependency on oil from Saudi Arabia.
Bush did one of these, obtaining authorization to use (a very small amount of) force against al Qaeda. He not only kept the tax cut but pased new ones, making the war entirely financed by debt. Thus, China now has a potential veto over US foreign policy.
Rather than look for allies for a war against the state supporters of the extremist Sunni ideology that drives al Qaeda (Pakistan and Saudi Arabia), he has continued to court them and snubbed India, our natural ally against these extremists.
Obviously the Bush administration and the Republican party are competely unconcerned about any "threat" posed by al Qaeda and their brand of extremist Sunni ideology. So why should I be?