Re: Fourth turning evidence

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An interesting thing appears in today's NY Times--I doubt it's accessible on line. Actually, let me check. . .no. About ten CEO's (I didn't recognize them) bought an entire full page ad to argue that Donald Rumsfeld is an utter failure as a CEO of the Pentagon and should go. They noted stifling dissent, financial mismanagement, lack of accountability, and destroying the reputation of his company (the US of A). In other words, about a dozen very well-to-do citizens put a sizeable chunk of their own cash on the line to tell the world that this can't go on. It makes me feel a lot better as I start off on my Sunday morning bike ride.
In the words of Al Gore recently regarding the Bush Administration:
"One can only attempt to create one's own reality for so long. Reality proper has a way of insisting itself upon you."
How true. But the longer it takes to "insist", the worse things will be for us when it does.
It's pretty bad when a group of CEOs takes a GOP big shot to task. To be honest, I'm a bit shocked. Are they planning on changing teams, or merely hoping to resusitate the team they own? :?
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.